For all of his entertaining lunacy on everything else, Ben Carson has mostly been one of the most reasonable Republican voices in the most recent weirdness over childhood vaccines.
I am moral because I choose to be. I choose to treat others well, and I try to. Not because I am scared, but because I believe it is the right thing to do. When I am not moral, I choose not to harm other because in the heat of the moment I lose my reason, but fear lawful retribution. When I am calmer I realise my thoughts were wrong, and consider ways to keep emotional control. I am moral so as not to hurt others.
When they are moral it is because they are scared of retribution. There does not have to be a reason to be moral, apart from they are following rules. Not because they believe those rules are in themselves moral, but because they have been told these are the rules they must follow. They do not question those rules, because to do so would deny that their god is greater. To question this would be against those rules - the moral do not question god, the immoral are punished. Thus they are moral so they do not get hurt.
Who is the more moral? He who acts not to hurt others, or he who acts to avoid being hurt?
&ldquo;We may be warming. We may be cooling.&rdquo; Because <a href="http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/01\/NASA2012-FINAL.png" target="_blank">You just can&#039;t tell from the data. </a> Thanks, Fucks Gnus, for not rubbing Carson&#039;s face in this until he bleeds -- which any <i>real</i> news organization would do with great satisfaction -- so that your viewers can remain the ignorant fuckwits that the GOP needs as its base.
&quot;Secondly, yesterday I saw a Ben Carson 2016 bumper sticker. On a red Cadillac.&quot;
A little voice inside my head said, &quot;Don&#039;t look back. You can never look back&quot; I thought I knew what sense was What did I know? Those days are gone forever I should just let them go but...
I can see you- Your white coat shinin&#039; in the sun You got that chart pulled down and that stethoscope on, baby And I can tell your wingnut views will still be wrong After your gig as a pundit has gone
<i>&ldquo;Evolution and creationism both require faith. It&rsquo;s just a matter of where you choose to place that faith.&rdquo;</i>
Like, do you choose to put your faith in Genesis Chapter 1 or Genesis Chapter 2? Did God make men first, or apes? I hear it&#039;ll be on the Final.
Yes Dr Dumbass, the anti vaxxers themselves are largely non partisan. There are stupid liberals, just like stupid conservatives, and each of them have their own stupid reasons for not vaccinating their kids (I love how the Fox crowd conveniently forgets all the measles outbreaks way back in 2013, thanks to the Texas mega churches). But only one side has chosen to pander to these stupid people. Only one side has chosen to politicize the issue to score points. Ben, please show us the Democratic presidential contenders that have made the idiotic anti-vaccination statements recently, or kindly STFU with your &quot;both sides do it&quot; BS
Well said! I agree. The reason I do moral things is that I am a moral person, not because I fear hell.
Or, when they&#039;re not humping like animals, &quot;some Democrats.&quot;
Those darned contrails!
I am moral because I choose to be. I choose to treat others well, and I try to. Not because I am scared, but because I believe it is the right thing to do. When I am not moral, I choose not to harm other because in the heat of the moment I lose my reason, but fear lawful retribution. When I am calmer I realise my thoughts were wrong, and consider ways to keep emotional control. I am moral so as not to hurt others.
When they are moral it is because they are scared of retribution. There does not have to be a reason to be moral, apart from they are following rules. Not because they believe those rules are in themselves moral, but because they have been told these are the rules they must follow. They do not question those rules, because to do so would deny that their god is greater. To question this would be against those rules - the moral do not question god, the immoral are punished. Thus they are moral so they do not get hurt.
Who is the more moral? He who acts not to hurt others, or he who acts to avoid being hurt?
And that&#039;s a fact!
Yeah, fucking Marin. Beautiful place, great food, great music, reliably liberal, pretty high wooo factor.
John Varley was on the right track on this, I think.
I&#039;m picturing the Brain Salad Surgery Bar at Golden Corral.
Bet you not.
On the other hand, his math skillz may increase to ludicrous levels.
&ldquo;We may be warming. We may be cooling.&rdquo; Because <a href="http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/01\/NASA2012-FINAL.png" target="_blank">You just can&#039;t tell from the data. </a> Thanks, Fucks Gnus, for not rubbing Carson&#039;s face in this until he bleeds -- which any <i>real</i> news organization would do with great satisfaction -- so that your viewers can remain the ignorant fuckwits that the GOP needs as its base.
&quot;Secondly, yesterday I saw a Ben Carson 2016 bumper sticker. On a red Cadillac.&quot;
A little voice inside my head said, &quot;Don&#039;t look back. You can never look back&quot; I thought I knew what sense was What did I know? Those days are gone forever I should just let them go but...
I can see you- Your white coat shinin&#039; in the sun You got that chart pulled down and that stethoscope on, baby And I can tell your wingnut views will still be wrong After your gig as a pundit has gone
you saw Peggy Noonan?
<i>&ldquo;Evolution and creationism both require faith. It&rsquo;s just a matter of where you choose to place that faith.&rdquo;</i>
Like, do you choose to put your faith in Genesis Chapter 1 or Genesis Chapter 2? Did God make men first, or apes? I hear it&#039;ll be on the Final.
Yes Dr Dumbass, the anti vaxxers themselves are largely non partisan. There are stupid liberals, just like stupid conservatives, and each of them have their own stupid reasons for not vaccinating their kids (I love how the Fox crowd conveniently forgets all the measles outbreaks way back in 2013, thanks to the Texas mega churches). But only one side has chosen to pander to these stupid people. Only one side has chosen to politicize the issue to score points. Ben, please show us the Democratic presidential contenders that have made the idiotic anti-vaccination statements recently, or kindly STFU with your &quot;both sides do it&quot; BS
Facts are stubborn things. NO WAIT! That&#039;s wrong. Facts are opinions. And on Fox News, opinions are facts.