He'll save every one of us!

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And once again a Black Adder Quote comes to mind: "He's mad. He's madder than Mad Jack McMad winner of last years Mister Madman contest."

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I guess all those Evangelical kiddies are now going to wear a bracelet with WWCD on it. What Would Carson Do.

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So, politicizing an event is apparently something that only liberals are capable of doing. Good to know.

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Ben Carson would poop his pants if someone pointed a gun at him.

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Aaaand that's the day Carson lost his candidacy run....

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Lol, you removed my comment for what reason? I read your forum rules before posting, but must've missed the part about non-conformity. Sorry about that!

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Conform or perish, infidel! We're comin for your guns, next, and also your white wiminz and too, also, your tax money to give it all to ...well, probably some corporation since that is where 80% of welfare money goes. But a little to the poor! So there.

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... I think that's because he was afraid that's where he was going to end up. As he had every reason to be.

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Dear, dear Dr. Carson. The guy isn't asking for your "cooperation." And you'd probably only have time to utter, "Hey, ..." before your were shot dead. Meanwhile, back to those still standing, the utter horror and terror would, I image, have them rooted in place. You make it sound as though this guy would have stopped what he was doing to allow you to have a conversation with your fellow attackees.

I recently read the comments of a veteran of several tours of duty in the Middle East. He said that even men trained extensively for firefights would, in close-quarter, seconds-elapsing situations like these, become somewhat paralyzed.

So Doctor, with no due respect, bite me. And keep your "I'm a Christian," victim-blaming, clueless blathering to yourself! And before your even THINK about "going to the next one," bone up on being a human with a soul.

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During one of my recent forays into the netherworld of gun owner sites, I happened upon a cretin who said, "You stupid liberal! What if the killer had used a baseball bat? Would you try to ban all baseball bats?" To which I said, "No, kind sir. But then the killer probably would have died of exhaustion trying to kill 10 and wound 7 with a bat. Are you suggesting the killer showed good sense in his choice of weapon? How very sinister of you." God, they hate that shit ... when you get all lofty or nice in your speech. It reduces them to such rantings!

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Parents, family and friends of victims, sufferers of MIND, HEART AND SOUL-NUMBING GRIEF, Dr. Carson has too much on his AGENDA to come to offer comfort, but he'll "go to the next one."

Please know though, dear people, that we Wonkette folks are maddeningly, horribly, painfully, angrily, gut-wrenchingly sorry for the loss of your loved ones. With all our hearts, we wish we could ease your pain. Please know that we truly, truly care and are thinking of you.

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Carson has a not-so-common opinion about how people should respond to an attacker, and this makes him the scourge of the Earth? Mr. "Zoom", if you had the chance to run for office your mouth wouldn't even get you to the first podium. Your opinion holds no water.

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Yeah, Dok, you are an opinion that holds no water! Urm . . . What? Hey, Ding Dong, this is a satirical website! (Pssst: that does NOT mean it worships the devil). Wouldn't it would be refreshing if these critics and other highly edumacated folks like Doctors (oh, wait, unless that word is being used as a title and not merely a noun, it's not capitalized, like the way Benny capitalized it in his rant-of-(mind)free-association) could get a handle on writing American? Knowing that the "Doctor" pulled many bullets out of people, I question his perspicacity (psst: no, that doesn't mean how much B.O. he has) since he was unable to apply those experiences as object lessons and learn to pull his Head out of his Ass.

And also too! I was MOST interested to observe ol' Ben straight-up plagiarizing from President Andrew Shephard!!!1! (a super liberal Democrat--oh, and also a make-believe one, from the movie "The American President" starring Michael Douglas as the Prez and Dick Dreyfuss as Obv Cheney, I mean REALLY OBV Cheney). I believe it was the speech when Super Balled Up Dem Preznit Had Enough, G.D. it said Fuck it, I'm gonna do something about the GUNS, which adds a delightful soupçon (psst: no, that does not mean a chicken noodle flim flam) irony to Ben's pathetic mess of word stew.

Oh yeah, and if DOKTOR ("I believe I've earned it") Zoom had the chance his mouth (purdy as it is and all) would do just fine.

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