I think Ben might have quite a few Grudenesque emails of his own to look at. Probably even in the last 24 hours.

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The penultimate paragraph nails it!

Nothing, nothing! is more infuriating to me than when some bigot/misogynist/xenophobe/homophobe just assumes that, because I share their gender, orientation, and caucasity I share their vile and hateful views.

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Or, of course, you could be fired for being a walking EEOC violation or, even better, for plagiarism.

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Dunno what bars he goes in but talking racist crap will get you 86’d PDQ around here

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I was working in a Fed Building and this MAGAT sees a tall, shaved head, muscular white dude and points to Pres. Obama’s pic

“What do you think of that guy?”

RC “That guy is my Commander in Chief “

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Ben also thinks we want our wives/girlfriends/significant others to be coiffed exactly like the Megster.

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Hey, if you're white, especially if you're a man, you know that thing you've most likely experienced in your life where another white man will say something just astoundingly racist in front of you, even somebody you've never met, and they act all weird and huffy when you call them out for it, like YOU are the one who has violated some kind of code?

What's fun is when someone doesn't realize you're a Jew, and spouts antisemitic bilge as if they expect you to agree. I'm sure it happens to LGBTQ+, too.

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Careful. Ben has guns and probably cold, dead hands. Also a cold, dead brain in marrying into that fucking family

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Ben is starting to look like Al on Tool Time.

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Then they try and apologize by saying, “You don’t LOOK Jewish.”🤦‍♂️

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I like to remind Trumpanzees that BHO won TWO elections with the electoral AND popular vote. They hate facts 🤣

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Not seeing a “cc all white people” function with gmail

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Dear White angry bully racistsThere's this little component of leadership called moral authority. It is the key to getting people to do things they may not like or want to do. Losing moral authority guarantees mutiny, revolts or worse like a grenade in your cot.

Jon Gruden lost that moral authority to lead 'his' mostly black men when his racist emails leaked out.

I swear there is a percentage of white guys who think having a fucking title is all you need to lead. Most of these less than mediocre assholes tend to be right wing types.

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"Hey, if you're white, especially if you're a man, you know that thing you've most likely experienced in your life where another white man will say something just astoundingly racist in front of you, even somebody you've never met, and they act all weird and huffy when you call them out for it, like YOU are the one who has violated some kind of code?"

Yep. Been there, done that, fer sure

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I would bet LOTS of money he has thoughts on his wife's weight.

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I think she is beautiful! She does weird stupid stuff with her hair, but aside from that, I love how she is styled.

That said, those body shapers she wears are NOT COMFORTABLE and hard to get on and off when you go to the restroom. She works hard for her look, it is no wonder she always behaves like someone shoved an Emmy up her ass.

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