"Ugh, these people are garbage" works on all New Yorker cartoons.

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Actually I bet if you had to wait in line for three hours on a hot day just to get into a ballgame (for whatever reason that would ever happen) I bet the Yankees might think to give those people water. Also, the right to ride Splash Mountain should absolutely be in the constitution. That is a fun ride.

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Shapiro, "Why do handicapped people need ramps? I've gone into buildings with steps my whole life and never had a problem."

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For this white liberal, voting on Election Day is easy, nearby, and a pleasant experience. There is no damned reason it can’t be that for everyone, and it angers me that it isn’t.

Every election I see pictures of people standing in long ass lines and I see red. I know it’s on purpose. I know it’s targeted. And I know it’s bullshit. Nobody should have to deal with that shit.

Getting het up about not being able to give water to people in lines is kind of secondary, imho. Why the fuck is that line that long in the first place?

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I’m partial to “Late Stage Capitalism” as the universal New Yorker cartoon caption, but there are a few good ones.

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That's good. I like "hi, I'd like to add you to my network on LinkedIn"

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You know, these are actually great arguments, since lines for rides at Disneyland and Yankee games take 8 hours, and those activities are constitutional rights.

Wait they aren’t rights? Oh well then these are horrible arguments

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Steve Doocy: Grand Poobah of Derp.

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Do you think Ben got electrolysis to split the monobrow or does he manscape his forehead every couple of days?

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The fuck is wrong with his eyes?

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Garbage is more useful than these people

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Ben Shapiro is truly the most trash bag yahoo to ever have declaredItself intelligent and human

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I have been to WDW during hideously hot days and they absolutely hand out water and sometimes ice cream to people standing around in the sun stuck in line. Know why? They don't want to be sued or deal with medical costs - water is cheap, lawsuits are not and Disney is not stupid. A free bottle of water might cost them a $5 sale but save them millions.

Anyone who experiences a preventable medical issue on someone's property can sue. How many of voter places want that? If someone passes out and dies in line, a wrongful death suit is going to happen.... and since that line stretches out onto *other people's* property besides the voting location, GA is setting up a lot of people for disaster.

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Oh, Ben. My wife worked at Disney in CA in 2005 while in engineering school. Her job was analyzing ride queues and offering design suggestions to reduce wait times and make the wait more fun. That’s pretty much the exact opposite of what GA Republicans are doing. Shapiro just likes playing stupid because it sells to his handful of viewers. Oh, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that Ben doesn’t know what a wet vagina is. I just hope for his wife’s sake they stock up on KY, or simply abstain like a good conservative.

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In the age of online ticket sales, who stands in line to get tickets to a game?

Hell, I buy movie tickets online, so I don’t have to wait in any line.

There’s little reason to wait in line to get tickets anymore

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Kind of an aside but when Disney world first opened there were zero water fountains, presumably to force people to have to pay for water. The state of Florida, in what may be the last time they sided with people and not giant corporations, forced the park to install water fountains.

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