yeah, but in the last boxcar, you can always hope the Allies will show up to save you!

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or like tRump a "pedo dan."

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I remember back when he was just a snarky teenager the Tea Baggers were all over. Nowadays I have to turn the playback speed down to .75 just to follow him.

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there are a bunch of them that could be attractive, but they have that look in their eye that distorts their faces just enough that they can't hide what awful people they are.

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but he forgot to buy a hammer and a nail with his beautiful piece of wood.

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He bought some tree trimmers too, now he’s reelin’ in the shears.

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TBH I've probably largely heard it in either (neo)pagan contexts or religious history research. It hasn't been my habit to pay any more attention to fundies and nationalists than strictly necessary, so I may well have missed the rise of the term in those circles.

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I like the "bad branding" tell. Once grifter always a grifter.

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thank you! same to you!

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I've seen this photo of Ben before: In the English-Yiddish dictionary next to the word "schmendrick."

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The council of Nicea appropriated the Hebrew texts to give Jesus a written backstory.

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You should have left some convenient admin accounts enabled with the passwords 1234 and 'password'.

Just to test if God is as good at protection as they claim he is.

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England has a State religion: the Church of England. The reigning monarch is Head of the Church. When US broke with England, they also rejected the power of the king or State to dictate religion.

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The Vatican pretty much made sure that they stomped that out. I had a friend who joined the priesthood to preach liberation theology, but as soon as the bishop found out about it he was put into a parish in Louisiana.

He quit and went to work for the DEA.

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Sounds like you got yourself together, and that’s excellent.

I had a much longer version of the last post but clipped it; it was self-indulgent.

Much shorter version: My parents looked for reasons to restrict my activities bc they were narcissists trying to provoke a reaction, and I didn’t respond to their provocations, bc having to stay home and read and study wasn’t onerous to me, so the provocations got worse and worse.

We didn’t talk much after I left.

I put myself through school, through grad school, scraping by. My DSO is a childhood friend…. we met up again after college after undergraduate and it worked out.

Now all I want is to grow old in an America the ethics of which are more humane than what I grew up with.

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Thought about it but I never, ever wanted to have to even VPN back into that network. It was creepily like the handmaid’s tale in the sense that /etc/motd was often a bible verse pushed out from a chef server.


There really isn’t enough yecch in the world…

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