All of us, Katie, after reading this?

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I worked for the government (state govt., in my case) in a professional title for 25 years. So oh yeah, you should see all of the dough that I'm rolling around in now.

Now I'm gonna have to leave soon because I have to go out and hunt down some squirrels for tonight's dinner.

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I regret that I have but one thumb's-up to give to this comment. It warrants at least a few hundred more.

This is about the most brilliant and perceptive thing that I have ever read here. I really mean that. I'd like to paint every word of it across the front of my house and all over the side of my car.

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Well, it's the battery thing. No matter how <i>Backpfeifengesicht</i> that <i>Gesicht</i> may be, nor how deserving Ben Virgo is of smacking, most battery charges are at least a misdemeanor. Really, you don't want that.

It's a darn shame. The fucker could raise thousands for charity by selling smacks for bucks. I'd easily go a couple of Bens for one swing, and I'm so old it probably wouldn't hurt him at all.

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A lot of the "non-government employees" in that average are non-government employees working for government contractors.

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Me, if they ever let me on one?

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"Why Me?"

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While I have perfect respect for government employees, let's not get carried away. They have jobs that, we hope, serve a legitimate purpose. The same can be said of many private sector jobs. We are not, in fact, a socialist economy, so all jobs are sort of equally important.

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A canned food trebouchet? Lots of them?

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You are implicitly referring to some research that I've seen, but am currently too drunk to go look up, that violently disproves the notion that CEO-ing is industry-insensitive. This was, of course, not news to anyone who had ever worked near a CEO who was dropped in from another industry.

Details matter. Who'da thunk?

Oh, but we still have to pay CEOs 2000x a line worker because what the fuck.

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Wait. You comment on Wonkett, and didn't know about yiffing videos? I sense a false flag.

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Oh, fuck me. I hadn't thought about Max Boot for a fucking decade. Thanks a lot.

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Gummint employees: Our little water and sewer district just reached a new MOU with the whopping 13 folks in the bargaining unit. Part of it was a COLA equal to the Western States annualized. So, they got something enormous, like 1.3%. Of course, they had not had a COLA for three years, because recession.

These kids work their butts off, and in exchange get what amounts to a marginal living wage up here in the foothills. Ben Shapiro: Go fuck yourself.

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Tonya Harding?

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Who among us would <i>not</i> run over people with a Zamboni machine, if given the chance?

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