If Hillary or Obama did that the GOTP would have had thermonuclear esplody heads, being the snowflakes that they are.

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Unfortunately he still has a long way to go.

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Yep. For all the evil he's done & is continuing to do, that's the one upside; he killed the most evil, hardest to correct, international corporate power-grab ever invented.

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Down South you'll still see in many a car's rear windshield a "3" decal, indicating identification with Dale Earnhardt, a NASCAR racing driver dead for over 16 years now. He's loved for the nickname, "The Intimidator," a moniker well-earned for placing the life of a racing opponent, as well as his own, in mortal danger and a tactic that ultimately caused his own death. His fans longed to win by intimidation too.

Donald Trump's followers love him for much the same reason: they long to be assholes on the same scale, authoritative simpletons touting the benefits of vandalism.

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Shocked, SHOCKED I tell you. Good dyslexic doG people. Trump has been showing them who he is for a long time and now they are finding out?

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Inadvertently, but still.

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You know the old proverb about a broken clock being right twice a day.

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Exactly! It's no coincidence that dyslexic doG just happens to have exactly the same ideas of "right and wrong" that billions people with differing values have.

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There's going to be so much whining, you'll get tired of it. You'll say, "Please, Mr. President, it's too much whining." Many people didn't know that.

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If is a very big if. The GOTP Congress critters like it that Trump is just "sitting at his desk with pen in hand, with pen in hand" waiting for any face saving winning legislation they send him.Those religious dominionist patriarchs are chomping at the bit to get their theocracy agenda through.

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I second NotALiar's reply.

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B-b-b-but both sides are equally bad.Oh my dyslexic doG!Sigh!

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Donald Trump could pour a bottle of TRUMP BRAND KETCHUP over the charred remains of an elderly burn victim and dig in with a knife and fork while wearing a FUCK AMERICA bib and he could talk to PUTIN on his phone as he ate, launching tiny pieces of chewed up human all over himself and his meal while loudly exclaiming to VLAD how he cant wait to see the u.s. under russian rule and trump supporters will say that TRUMP is unafraid to challenge the status quo and that he remains a genius when it comes to shocking liberals. Then they'd remark that what this country needs is some good ole SOVIET ERA OPPRESSION to shake free from the disastrous rule of OBAMA. And as PUTIN begins his reign, trump supporters will scream with glee as they are hauled off to gulags, begging the new president to re-open the HILLARY investigations even as putins soldiers smash in their teeth with A.K.s.

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He would not! It would have to be an elderly woman he shot on 5th Avenue and THEN poured gasoline over and lit on fire. Then ate, etc.

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Ben Shapiro was raised in a nest of puds.

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