<i>I think she meant that the consulate was technically U.S. territory. </i> As it happens, she is wrong about that. While a popular notion, it isn't supported by international law.

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Whatever, he's still crackers.

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Wingnuts are the only people still watching network Teevees.

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"...here is Lindsey Graham saying he will 'block every appointment in the United States Senate' until something something Benghazi."

The problem with a story like this is that one side goes into such a fever pitch about it while the other 70% of the country ignores it until the first 30% is ready to shutdown the government over it and the 70% that ignored it is completely caught off guard when the shit hits the fan (see also Care, Obama).

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Ok Lady Lindsey and Dumbfuck Darrell all the info you ever could ask for on Benghazi will be released to W Boy and Evil Darth Dick all they have to do is show up at the Hague in person to pick it up this is your only offer take it or shut the fuck up for ever

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They never get tired of fucking that chicken.

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Just like they went after the security failures after the <i>other</i> 9/11 by firing people and impeaching and accusing of being secret muslins. NO WAIT! I got that wrong. They authorized torture, unprovoked war, detention without trial. NO WAIT! It's quicker just to say "war crimes".

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Republicans are like an old vinyl record when the needle got stuck and played the same thing over and over.

Oh, and they also refuse to upgrade to 8-tracks.

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The thousands of Americans who died in Iraq are the real scandal. That George Bush and Dick Cheney are still free to wreck havoc are another huge scandal.

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