Call me naive, but it is only now dawning on me that the whole point of Benghazi is that it <i>replaces</i> the WTC attacks as the Worst Thing Ever to happen on 9/11. Because the WTC was in New York and full of immigrants and liebruls and has proven difficult to coopt for rightwing purposes.

And anyway, no one wants to remember that shit. It was just too depressing.

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maybe the dems left because they didn't want to see grieving families forced to publicly air that grief before a grotesque politically motivated arsonist.

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Probably on the weed again, you know what these blahs are like.

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This fake scandal will never go away unless and until Hillary says that she is not running for President.

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Ah yes, Victor Echo November. Possibly my second favorite episode of Venture Brothers, after Tag Sale, You're It!

Although I haven't heard the wingtards actually accuse Obama of sending in a secret kill team to kill everyone at the embassy to impress a girl....yet. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JNBClRUR6M">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

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