My theory here is there's some email or the unburnt corner of a hastily-destroyed postcard or an overdue library book or similar amongst their "evidence". And his idear was if he could somehow get a "yes" to any of these irrelevant questions, he was going to circle around and use it as proof she murdered the ambassador because they were working on an illegal real estate deal that went sour.

I only semi-kid. It's so obvious there was a REASON behind all this. Now we'll never know.

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And rate it according to the Bristol Stool Scale.

And, yes, that IS a thing:


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Thaum's right, though. The question is always one of how much effort you have to put in to get through it. And that's why the Apple/Android stuff is pissing off the NSA and associated spooks; it raises the cost to collect low-quality data, probably to the point that they won't want to do it.

(but the TLS flaw recently disclosed means that they can listen in on the most common 'secure' connections easily enough)

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So, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that Hillary murdered Chris Stevens because he knew too much about her murder of Vince Foster?

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I'd like to see the whole thing re-enacted solely through interpretive dance.

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Wasn't he gay, too? How ironic if he was, since he'd be the first gay they have given a flying fuck about.

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"Mrs. Clinton, did you ever give a pretend phone number to Ambassador Stevens? When he called was it the phone number to a local gay bar in DC? Did you laugh about it afterwards?"

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Probably just VERY aroused. This hearing has to be like Viagra to them.

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Well, it's obvious she did SOMETHING, otherwise we wouldn't have spent $5 million dollars on 7 congressional investigations that have uncovered exactly nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Oh, make no mistake, we're going to get to the bottom of this, even if it takes another five years, or at least until after the election.

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Also, she's a real snotty bitch who will only give her digits out to cool kids.

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Yeah, you got yourself a real nice little dog at home, Mr. Pompeo. It would be a real shame if something should happen to little Buttons, now wouldn't it? Maybe my friend Vince Foster could pet sit for you some time, oh, wait, he would only be able to do that if he hadn't been MURDERED. Yeah, it would be a real shame if someone Benghazi'd cute little Buttons.

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"Did you ever, even once, write "LOL" when he posted pictures of his dog doing something cute?"

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Freak is last year's Heartbleed.

You're only a ZDE once, like virginity. Get the update, LoL.

Yes, they have become the NHA whose charter is to discover (or purchase) ZDE's (both hardware and software -server side or client side) which they can use to hack into data streams...

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It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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If only Hillary had agreed to walk into their "entirely constructed of paper maché" trap, we could inaugurate President Ryan tomorrow...

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So funny that you said that - as I was trying to fall asleep last night after spending a very enjoyable day watching this joke of a hearing (yes, I really did that) I had this vision of a dance performance based on this Benghazi Day celebration. Would be so great!

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