If there is one thing all people who plan to vote or have voted in a Democratic primary can agree on, it's that we know what's happening with these two. No more debates please? I'm a Bernie guy and I think he could use more exposure, but if he exposes himself as agreeing with Clinton on content but not on technique, that does exactly squat for either of them. Anyone who wants to know this stuff already does. It's not much of anything but a chance to showcase the coming democratic ticket. They should really be trying to find a forum to stump for the Democratic platform.
Was it? I thought it was JR yesterday. I was not paying attention.In my defense, I think my body ate my own brain so as to shelter it from future trauma.
I really did not think it was that bad, they stuck to policy for the most part and though they were shouty (idk how shouty, I was more reading the transcripts than listening to it, lacking the cable as I do) they still were not as belligerent and gross as some other debates I could mention.Now, supporters for each....that is a whole nuther world. More debates but no supporters next time?
I'll check and let you know. I'm not sure Stewart was even a "thing" when I saw this film (starting to wonder if my mind just made it up -- hmmmm).
I see. She was trusting George W. Bush to use his powers wisely.
Why am I supposed to vote for her again?
Oh, vote for anyone you like... but let's just stop with the "she never met a war she didn't like" baloney, mmkay?
I sincerely hope there is a parallel universe where pandas are the dominant species, and humans are just there to build them toys and waterslides.
For what it's worth, as stabby (not!) at that debate was, it renewed my faith and hope in America, not to mention my fellow not-crazies.
Now imagine him giving State of the Union addresses.
I thought superpredators were credit card companies.
If there is one thing all people who plan to vote or have voted in a Democratic primary can agree on, it's that we know what's happening with these two. No more debates please? I'm a Bernie guy and I think he could use more exposure, but if he exposes himself as agreeing with Clinton on content but not on technique, that does exactly squat for either of them. Anyone who wants to know this stuff already does. It's not much of anything but a chance to showcase the coming democratic ticket. They should really be trying to find a forum to stump for the Democratic platform.
Definitely no supporters! You could tell who was cheering or booing by whose comment they responded to.
Hillary for POTUS, Bernie for Gadfly-in-Chief.
She was not even the only Democratic nominee this year who voted for that resolution.
ya know, they look pretty good for a couplea geezers
Whatta ya mean they are not their real bodies?
Yesterday it was JFK Sr. Tomorrow - who knows? Maybe we find out that Hillary ran Ted Kennedy off the road at Chappaquiddick.
Was it? I thought it was JR yesterday. I was not paying attention.In my defense, I think my body ate my own brain so as to shelter it from future trauma.
I really did not think it was that bad, they stuck to policy for the most part and though they were shouty (idk how shouty, I was more reading the transcripts than listening to it, lacking the cable as I do) they still were not as belligerent and gross as some other debates I could mention.Now, supporters for each....that is a whole nuther world. More debates but no supporters next time?