Or drown some other pronoun.

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thoughts and prayers

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Michelle for VP?

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It's twue! It's twue!

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I iz trapped.

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Well, some of the Bernie people I knew, voted for Stein.That was no GOP psy-op.

Also, Bernie supporters made Hillary enemy No. 1 for months, and weakened her while Trump built up strength. (And that has nothing to do with who they ended up voting for.)

Comparing Bros. to PUMAs does not make them relevant, (if they ever were).

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Fuque Dante. I still entertain hopes, and I haven't even met her. Next time wear the tie that doesn't have the gravy stain on it, the one that matches your eyes. You have so got this.

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And it would work on him.At least until the next person who wanted something different schmoozed up to him, or he watched Fox news again.On that general subject (the way to get a favourable response from Trump being to truckle and flatter and grovel) the well-known "transcript" comes to mind. All those cretins wearing their 'READ THE TRANSCRIPT!" T-shirts, which clearly they haven't read, seem to be missing the obvious-from-the-first-word fact that President Zelenskiy was in full truckle, grovel and flatter mode. And who'd blame him? His country was/is under attack from Russia, he was desperate for U.S. military and financial aid, and he knew who he was dealing with. He even used the very words that are one of Trump's signature phrases, "Drain the swamp."And then came those other now infamous words, "I want you to do us a favour, though."It couldn't have been said better by Fat Tony on the Simpsons.Read the transcript?You triple-ply, hundred and thirty proof dimwits, we all have read the transcript, and that's why we're chewing the rug and supporting impeachment.

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And paid his debts with grace too.

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Was the bet that he wouldn't go neg? LOL. Neg was all he was in 2016. Perhaps he didn't go neg himself, but more crucially he didn't stop any of his uglier or more vociferous nutjob Hillary hating acolytes (like Susan Sarandon, and his wife) or the chantings of Bots at the Democratic convention (you know, the convention of the party to which he still doesn't belong but for which he has tons of helpful hints). Thanks again for Trump, Berners!

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I guarantee you if she gets the nomination, Bernie supporters will be at the next Democratic convention chanting 'Pocahontas'.

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This reminds me of the denouement of "Quiz Show" wherein cheater Charles Van Doren does his big mea culpa before a Senate investigative committee. He's first praised by some Senators for his heartfelt apology. But finally one senator says "Nice speech. But I don't think an adult of your intelligence ought to be commended for simply, at long last, telling the truth." Followed by a humiliating ovation from the spectators. This applies to right wing congress people simply, at long last, doing the right thing. I wouldn't waste my breath praising them for this rebuke of Trump, while recalling the incredible damage they have done.

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The worst part is, there are legitimate reasons to get on Warren's case about that -- such as how Harvard used her status as a "minority" instructor to argue that they didn't have to hire actual minority women -- and the Bernie droogs will immediately adopt those arguments the moment they become useful. But up to this point, they've been defending Warren on her alleged Native American-ness, if they've commented at all.

They have no standards or principles. They are the Trumplings of the Left.

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This is San Frantabulous. Does anyone think that Hairball Hitler will get the clue, hah, he is clueless.

I saw about 45 seconds of Ryand Paul on some show this AM and its almost freakish, unbelievable, to hear them talk sense and not go full sycophant. Believe it or not, there was a time when 'two sides of the aisle' accommodating each other was not a freakish event.

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i would just add a little clash to that mix.

(tho of late i've been totally vamping on 60's protest rock. for obv reasons...)

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Can a brother get Boolean break?

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