Which the Dems can historically be relied upon to do.

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Former POTUS candidate who had supporters that sent death threats to a DNC official and didn't seem troubled by it says what?

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If you were an English teacher you would know 'should have'. Contractions are for speech, not writing ;)

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First versions better. More direct "you" instead of "no one." Also more active "while you repress" instead of "while repressing."The syllables don't really matter. The Trumpskies wouldn't know a Haiku from a Havanese if the latter jumped up and bit them. It's the thought that counts.

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I'm glad you care, cause I don't.(Feeling bitter and sassy this morning.)

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I'm going to the Lady March too - we should have a Wonkette Operatives meetup during the demonstration!!!

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That's a leurre de pêche in the pickerel's mouth. (In case you can't see my allure.)

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Have you had Montreal Bagels?Eggy and a little softer than the usual kind. (Love 'em.)You could start a trend!

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In what universe is that Melania?(I know it's not the point, but sheesh!)

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Ms. Gnome, while living in Florida, went into a large multipurpose store, went to the grocery section, and asked for lox. They directed her to the hardware section.

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When the assassination attempt comes on Trump, it will be from one of his supporters, clad in MAGA hat & Kid Rock tshirt.

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Don't forget the overly qualified frustrated hot female agent that has to rescue the dumb ass boys more than once. Who runs off with the nerdy tech guy while all the oldz are standing around with their dick in one hand and passing out blue pills with the other.I would watch that.

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Jeeze Loueezze ! Finally the taco trucks ! I am so hungry ! Thankyou !

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"Conservative states with liberal cities are trying to preemptively block legislation so that local governments can’t clean up their own parks, protect undocumented immigrants, or ban indoor smoking without the approval of Big Papa Trump."

This right here is one of my least favorite hypocrisies of the Republican party. Local government is best when it comes to Federal v. State, but local city governments best not do a single thing that the State doesn't agree with.

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