Never. Clinton is dishonest and not a truther. New news today about those servers. I just read she is not in favor of doing a reduction on student loan debt. Why is that in Al Jazeera and not on national news? I'll answer that: because it will not earn her favor. She is doing exactly what the oligarchy wants. God save us.

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It is well past time to abandon the electoral college. One vote per citizen and that is not GM or Verizon, and let's elect who we want. Otherwise it is time to revolt as none of those dolts in Wash DC have represented me in years. Oh, yes, no more gerrymandering or voter obstruction and how about electronic voting--it's worked well in OR with no fraud as far as I am aware.

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That is one of the better campaign designs I've ever seen, kudos, Wonkette.

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They (Rhode Islanders) are worse than Vermonters when it comes to using turn signals. Vermonters wait until they get to the inetersection, then hit the turn signal. Rhode Islandeers are perpetually confused as to what that lever is for.

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All Jeb! would have to say is "Socialiss!" and two-thirds of the undecided voters would go Republican. I like Bernie, but he's like a summer in New England; you know it won't last.

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I wondered why a complete mediocrity like Franklin Pierce had something named for him.

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Perhaps that "Good News" could be inscribed on a new T-shirt?

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They said the same thing about Obama...and Jimmy Carter...and JFK.

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Ask Hilary her stance on the Kochstone Pipeline. Ask her if she wants to break up any of the five too-big-to-exist banks.

Plenty of reasons to insult Hilary. But that's why I like Bernie, he doesn't waste his time playing politics, he just returns to the issues, over and over and over.


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Thanks, Villago Delenda Est and Steverino247, for your thoughtful exegesis of COL Seidule's been-there buttons. My own modest military career garnered only the VNSM, AFCM, and NDSM.

Would the 81st Armored Regiment at Knox be a training brigade or a deployable unit, one wonders.

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Yeah, um, no. Bill Clinton and the Missus, and Obama are all tied into the emotional well-being of the Wall St bankers.

How can you say "basically just a list of problems and policy solutions"? WTF else should he talk about? Donald Trump's hair? BENGHAZI?!!?!!!?

Bernie has been walking the walk for 40 years, I don't see how ANY of the Democrats have done anything but skate past the real issues.

I think you have more work to do on your political history and Democratic voting records.

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New Hampshuh was a red state not too long ago. That ought to say something about Bernie's universal appeal.

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WTF? Why are so many Wonketeers seemingly against or can't get behind Bernie Sanders for POTUS? I think y'all are listening to the main-stream media too much. That's all I've heard, is well, Bernie doesn't stand a chance. Yeah, the guy who is drew 20,000+ in PORTLAND OREGON, doesn't have a chance to beat Hil.

Bull fucking shit.

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Until and unless BLM disavows those tactics, I care not a whit about their "demands".

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There is a lot wrong with the Democratic Party's willingness to continue to try and slide the country to the right in an attempt to garner Repuglican votes.

The Democrats need to take the conversation back to the left, like the "liberal" party they are supposed to be.

Bernie is doing that, while the "middle-of-the-road" are just kow-towing to the right and its vast echo chamber.

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Which Bill did and Obama did/does and I'm sick of it. All of Bernie's issues are the important issues for our people and they have been removed from the conversation by Democratic policies and their willingness to suck up to corporate moneeez.

How many reasons does an intelligent person need to realize the only candidate worth a hoot in hell is Bernie Sanders?

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