Why are we so consumed with Bill Clinton's penis, when we should be discussing Donald Trump's magnificent butthole? The "Oracle of Orifice", as it is sometimes called, is the source of all of Trump's genius.

Like a master magician, he pulls ideas from his crafty cavern, like so many rabbits exiting his brainy bottom. His astute anus never sleeps. At this very moment the details of his healthcare plan are percolating in the bowels of his shrewd sphincter. We may not know what those details are, but we can be assured that by the time they leave his clever cavity, they will be "Huge", "Wonderful" and "Better than Obamacare"

This is the Trump promise and the source of his popularity. You see, ideas are like assholes, every politician has them. However, if that idea didn't come from deep within Trump's brilliant buttocks, then it probably wasn't worth having.

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Are we all assholes in this race?

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I like the phrase "Trump voters" which is almost an oxymoron. I did a little private survey last week of redneck idiots I know personally and am related to. Several of them were Trump fans. But when I asked them if they voted, they said no, they hadn't voted in years.

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I should have a Yugo. I did meet a beautiful woman once in Iceland who was. Always there's trouble

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it's the true believer contingent- whether it was the obnoxious PUMAs, or the equally obnoxiously Obamabots or the far more obnoxious Paultards, there's always that group that goes way too far and becomes completely unhinged and unwelcome. With Sanders, that contingent of Bern bros are the exact opposite of what Bernie himself is all about. While he stays above the fray and shows class, they spout decades old GOP talking points about Hillz like the most fervent fever swamp teatard. While he reaches out to the BLM community to listen to their concerns, they condescending mock the BLM folks on message boards with their 'wake up sheeple' BS that is straight out of the RP playbook. And spamming comment threads with off topic campaign commercials is par for the course from the Paultards.

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I spelled too many damn words correctly, too. :(

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Yes we are. Although, I prefer the more colloquial "balloon knot".

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The GOP position is that being a Democrat disqualifies you from public office.


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I had forgotten about those twits.

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I need to assess this for myself. Someone let Bill know I'm free every evening this week.

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I knew we were doomed.

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I expect a full on Trump melt down after Cruz wins Iowa.

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The Bobblespeak Translations blog is always worth checking, which included an additional post this week on the most ridiculous moment (when Matt Bai and Martha Raddatz agreed that Donald Trump manipulates them into cheapening their brand and giving him exactly what he wants).

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