I will go to my grave loving that guy although I never voted for him.

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Because if businesses can't "survive" then JERBS!

I shared some of this article with my gf. I mentioned how the repubs would be against this *even if* you point out to them the increased productivity thing. I asked her why she thinks they're that way? Is it because the cruelty is the thing? I mean, why are they so mean? She said they just want to keep us busy and stressed so that we don't have time to do entrepreneurial things... to learn, get an education, to think. My gf is a smart cookie.

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Vive la France (on this point, at least)!

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"Hundreds of hours more a week? Oh you innumerate old NYT!"

So, I'm not the only one who thought that was weird.

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Right? I'm wondering what is the context for that statement. I need Bernie to clarify.

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Ta, Dok. Sigh. I'm probably going to find another job this summer, despite loving my clients and my immediate superior. Why? At the end of June I'll reach the age when my final salary will determine Social Security benefits for the rest of my life. My current compensation is inadequate. Too bad, so sad. That said, since I have to job hunt, what I'll be hunting for is a four day work week.

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Yet another fact of life about which I was clueless. My "final salary" was in teaching, not a SS benefited jerb. So I'm screwed every which way over that "windfall" bullshit. Also just found out that my county assistance for food and MediCare are cancelled, about $400.00 worth of bennies, cuz of my SSI income pushing me over the limit. One step forward, 1/2 step back. Can't get TOO comfy here. No no no. For the record, I AM lazy, and at my age I should be allowed to be. Except not in Murka cuz we're so fekking exceptional.

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“ US labor law has set a 40-hour work week as the national standard since 1940, and that only came after unions pushed for decades to get a five-day work week and to eliminate child labor.”

All things republicans would like to roll back.

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Most people who have done a bit of work have noticed how employers very quickly start asserting the right to usurp impressive amounts of workers' time without paying them one penny extra for it. They have very little regard for the possibility that a worker might, you know, have a life and interests beyond work. Nope, you've got to take another two or three hours of work home with you because "The bidness of America is bidness."

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Especially in teaching. In my credential program we were told to be prepared to work 70 hours a week for our first few years. This triggered a roomful of bobble-headed candidates going "no, uh-uh". A principal once told me I had the weekend to work on shit. I didn't. I left that place instead. WTF is wrong with people?

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"Besides, Cassidy warned, US employers might just move factories overseas in search of lower labor costs, and how would you like that, hmmmm?" They would NEVER do that.

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So, even tho it's obvs. not going anywhere for a while, my work actually did the math on this. They'd need to hire about 40% more people* to have every day of operations fully covered.

Which. Ok. Do that.

*40% more from when we're fully staffed. We're about 20-30 people below that right now. Which sounds bad, but last year it was 40-50 and no one was getting annual leave granted so really it's an improvement.

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And down my way, the issue is cutting the work week (finally) to 40 hours... Naturally, the right is trying to make a case for not cutting back to 40. Kinda pathetic, considering Mexico was once (about 1916) considered the cutting edge when it came to labor rights.

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How about a 32 minute work week, like Man God Large Hands had as pepsodent?

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One wonders how much time Traitor Greene puts into crafting her incisive comments, and innovative legislation, for her $700.00/ day salary? Although I have to say, she does seem to have unlimited energy when it comes to being a huge Pain in the Ass.

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Rs plan to decimate the labor division of the govt. I see her questions leaned for corporate america and not the people they made their billions off their backs.

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Bernie is flapping his jaws and doing nothing.

He has zero lifetime achievements - except leveraging sexism to elect Trump.

Weird how no rules apply to Bernie. He is ancient and running for a six year term. He is a multi-millionaire. He was fined by the FEC for campaign finance violations. He was repeatedly warned that Russia was boosting his campaign to harm HRC.

I am so ready never to hear another fucking word about Vermont Jesus.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

I understand how you feel about Bernie.

He's always had a hard time reaching the selfish and gullible.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Given the fact that only white leftie men voted for him, while black women overwhleming rejected him that is a hella racist thing to say. I do recall all the Berners saying this hideous racist shit in 2016 also.

But Bernie's appeal has always been to leftie racism and sexism.

I do have to wonder, are you an idiot because you are a bigot or did you become a bigot because of your idiocy? Bigotry makes you stupid, so it is hard to determine. Sort of a chicken/egg thing.

The only life achievement Bernie has is fucking over HRC and electing Trump.

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Questions never asked: How are workers gonna survive that? That’s the question... How can workers survive that? How can workers survive all of those proposals?

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Can no one think of the billionaires? You're right. If I'm Bernie, I tell this cow that businesses have survived these horrors while still making enormous profit in countries that have a 32-hour work week.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

No, silly. You can’t be France without a constitutional right to abortion.

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or guillotining the 1% now and again.

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I am gonna poke in here about UBI or something (do you work at a keyboard - yes - your job is highly threatened) - i don’t know how closely you are following AI 🤖 - but - it’s here - how it’s implemented is the only question - AI is fully capable of almost any type of data input - text, voice, video, real world, chemical, heat, whatever - and it can output text in real time - a novel or other book is 70,000 words - AI can output that coherently in one hours time according to a short series of prompts - and it is intelligent - and good -

Not a keyboard warrior - a Chinese humanoid robot is 90,000 dollars - a robot dog is 1600 bucks - a robot is only a platform for an operating system - OPENAI’s robot is phenomenal - talks, reasons , manipulates items with human dexterity and fingers -

So - if you have a dangerous job - a job where a human might get hurt - a repetitive job - a job that requires strength or dexterity - and your job and that of one other coworker (ya gotta charge sometime) is less than 90,000 dollars a year - you might be replaceable -

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This is like saying motors and electricity will end employment because they will bring consistent automated manual power.

John Henry is a great song but terrible economic policy.

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The use of AI will and already has ended a lot of jobs - Google and Amazon have already laid off 10’s of thousands of workers because they hired too many in the pandemic (and their businesses have been in decline - uh no) - I am an oldster - I have had more jobs than George Santos - my first computer used punch cards - I am no Luddite - I went from working in a coal mine to two years later working for a DARPA subcontractor - I’ve worked in factories, foundries, and steel mills - (through video production and by standing next to a surgeon for years, I’ve taught eye surgery) - I’ve belonged to the UMWA, and the United Steelworkers (even though we were doing highway construction?) - I’ve sat on a Teamster’s picket line (they closed the factory rather than unionize) - I was even in the UAW for a two weeks when Ford paid our non-union factory to build some car parts in the ‘70’s - (they made everybody join the union pay your dues and we got paid union wages) - I’ve written articles in major trade publications - I’ve run my own video production company since 1988 - I’ve been the half time on field cameraman for NFL games (big deal if you’re a cameraman otherwise not so much - I didn’t even get to see the game - LOL) -

Now you’ve got a peak at my resume -

AI is a big deal - no joke - no malarkey -

And it is coming fast - some say AGI is a year away - some say longer - I’m in the zero to three month category -

Companies will do what is feasible and economical -

Much of our current infrastructure is built around humans - so temporarily humanoid robots make a lot of sense - but eventually the infrastructure will adapt to the robots - why have a ladder - when a robot can just extend it’s arms -

Why am I ranting about this - Democrats have always (in my lifetime) looked out for the worker -

Jobs, the economy, workers, CEO’s, it’s all about change in a big way -

Remember Yang and his UBI - this is going to take something much bigger -

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

It is changing customer service.

It is hugely fucking up creative markets.

It is good at replacing the intellectually tedious.

I think we are still at the inflection point identified by JKG in "The Affluent Society" - We have enough food. We have enough money. What we do not have is the political or social ability or will to distribute it. AI will create "more" without doing anything to solve the distributional problem.

I am a huge fan of UBI but not even remotely a fan of Yang.

edited to add. --

Google laid people off for the stock market. It is hiring.

One of the things that made me sad laugh is that Google had the best AI ethics group in world and then they laid them off; then they did Gemini with its epically fucked up "Hey this ethics shit is easy" implementation.

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This is gonna come fast and then faster - About an hour ago Elon (recipient of the RBG award) released GROK1 into the world open source - it’s 300 gigabytes so be prepared - the problem IS without any controls - Stephen Miller is now free to totally fuck with the election - and he will -

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Yeah, what we consider "work" and "compensation" is going to need to change in a generation or so IMO.

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I am guessing a year or two - I think such a significant number of people will lose their jobs - with little to no preparation - it will require a massive response - tRump’s pandemic response got us to 14.9% unemployment -

this will be almost as fast and bigger -

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Chatgpt isn't that good. I've played around with it enough to know. After finding the limits of that bot, I am not scared of it taking over the world. It will need human control and direction for quite some time to come.

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I’ve only used ChatGPT once - I asked it for some data analysis and it failed - but the AI I’m aware of is kickass - I’m currently limited to about 60,000 words - but I’ve experienced few textual issues - OPENAI’s video platform SORA can do photorealistic video in at least 4 second clips (as a film editor, most films have a cut or scene change every 4 seconds) - so - string together enough 4 second clips and you have an AI movie -

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