Good point . . . why do that when you can use an antenna?

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Why it's uh...err...umm, yes, I'd like some pudding.

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Or <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/413510\/official-carly-fiorina-video-wins-current-hour-of-internet" target="_blank">demon-possessed sheep.</a>

Ed: Oops, video is "private." Here's the full, album-length <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=rKWlOxhSIKk" target="_blank">YouTube version.</a>

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May I just remark that I'd like to see Jack (Abram) off ....

Oh, never mind.

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There's a large fraction of Kentucky voters who are slow enough to miss the parody aspect entirely. Most, if not all, are McConnell voters, so let's just run the ads and split the Republican vote.

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I think we all have, at one time or another.

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He still might win. Didn't a guy in prison in Texas beat Mr. Obama in the West Virginia primary?

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thought in the video still it was philip seymour hoffman.

now i haz a sad.

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Why not just use Kennesee or Tennetucky? We'll all know what you mean, within a perfectly acceptable margin of error.

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Is there a problem with wired farts that we don't know about?

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