I imagine that there are Log Cabin slave descendent Republicans that praise slave owners and it would make about as much sense as Log Cabin Republicans do.

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FTA: "--the present is greatly informed by the past, and we can't truly move forward if we just ignore what's always behind us."THIS! Why it is SO HARD to get people to understand this is beyond me. I'm in the evangelical South, so I've resorted to quoting the Bible over it: "the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the sons teeth are set on edge" but even then I get a blank WTF? look.

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It didn't take, sadly they have some ignorant assholes too.

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Melania's orgasms.

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Not Harry S. Truman.

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better yet, instead of going to your room, why doesn't ted take trump's not at all racist offer and go back to whatever country he's from. oh that's right, canada won't take him

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Even Nixon and Reagan, to be fair. But in the modern Repiglican Party they won't even look at you unless you have 9 figures hidden somewhere.

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Hey Snoteater: how any REPUBLICAN presidents "descended from rich, landed aristocracy"?????

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Nope we don't want him. Not even to drown him in oilsands tailings. With votes.

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Except he didn't

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He *is* using slave labor aka undocumented immigrants.

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Not to mention coddling North Korea at the peril of South Korea and Japan, and giving Putin practically everything he wants.

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How does he know, he's never there when they happen?S

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If only.

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I'm revisiting this older post to give you a link to a good blog post you might be interested in. It's from over at Lawyers, Guns & Money. The author, Erik Loomis, periodically visits the grave sites of historically significant Americans, and today's post is about Frederick Douglass. It's pretty amazing. Fredrick Douglass

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