"It's time for a regulatory reset."

...Back to "none", I'm going to guess. She's going with "none"?

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The bank fraudsters made off with 20% of America's wealth, much of it in real estate. The banks got bailed out at OUR expense. Not one of them -- not Jamie Dimon, not any of top management -- was criminally charged.

Madoff is the only one in prison because he didn't steal from the 99%; he stole from the 1%. And he's Jewish, of course.

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I remember too. Our teacher got an urgent message, stopped class, left and returned a few minutes later with a TV and turned it on to CBS. We history unfold with Cronkite. Edit: ...We watched history unfold...

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Really really bigly sad snd infuriating.

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I'm a little older. JFK was assassinated when I was nine. Fourth grade. They put the announcement on the classroom intercoms. I got really angry at two of my classmates, who put their fingers under their eyes and said "we're holding back the tears" while I was crying for real. We were all sent home from school, and all saw the days-long TV coverage.

The first real portrait I ever drew was of JFK. I made white tissue flowers (no glue, I liked pipe cleaners) and sold them at a table outside a shopping center, and sent the money to Jackie's Arlington memorial fund, which IIRC paid for the Eternal Flame. She sent me a thank you card; it's still in my mother's strongbox (elder sister has the box). The only thing harder was burying my dad when I was 13.

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Cuba's beautiful. Florida's chock full of Trump. Ergo, Cuba must die.

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We got sent there one by one after the nationwide aptitude tests. The guidance counselor said, "What do you want to do?" I asked, "Where are my strengths?" The answer I got was "Your lowest score was in the 96th percentile (spatial), and your language skills are 100th percentile. Do whatever you want." I dropped out.

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After years of serving as Chief Fluffer for the for-profit college scams, where is former Congressman John Kline now?

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You're a Trump University student, You're a Trump University student, everybody's a Trump University student!!!

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Don't you go to school to make your bootstraps?! You learn life skills!

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The whole curriculum is Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

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Fox News tried that a couple days ago, but I think they were referring to their legs....

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Omg, at first I thought you meant University of Pennsylvania and thought WHAT? Then I remembered The Donald allegedly graduated from Wharton with a degree in Economics- but at least his family had the $$$ to pay for that alleged degree. Poor housekeepers don't get to coast through schools like UP.

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Maura Healey is our absolutely fearless AG here in MA. (And as I recall, she's already tangled with some of these for-profit "colleges" on the state level.)Suing Trump and his cronies when their policies fuck with MA residents and businesses may very well become her favorite hobby.

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"Trump University 2.0" in 3...2...1...

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