Now that Orange Majesty and his Grand Moff AG have ordered the deaths of all tranny enemies of the people, we can take some time to posit some scenarios as to what might've happened here:1. DeVos failed to follow instructions for the junta and rip out the last modicum of humanity in her dark soul, in which case she'll be shitcanned with prejudice, and her agency sold to a student loan debt collection agency run by some Russian ex-con 2. DeVos saw this as a challenge to her power and tried to defend it, not realizing she's only in the junta to be a prop, which means she'll quit, having been emasculated by the old boys, and her agency merged into Homeland, so they can vett all students for transness, gayness, girliness, mexicaness, muslimness3. This is all fake news, and there is only harmony in the junta. DeVos is perfectly on board with killing trannies too, and this is just the appearance of chaos manufactured by President Bannon.

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That is heartbreaking.

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Here's a true story for ya, fundagelicals! I shared the same bathroom as a *fully grown man* from the time I was old enough to use the toilet! I call him "Dad," and I actually think I turned out pretty good, despite the wildly abnormal circumstances of my upbringing!

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Trust me when I say you are not our type.

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And yellow snow at that.

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The rest of the survey results are equally heartbreaking. Our job as human beings ought to be to make the lives of our fellow human beings less terrible. I just don't understand how hysterical meanness can be your go-to response.

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Betsy Devos is bat shit crazy. One of those religious nuts, that more than likely prays before having sex and afterwards on top of her pile of Bibles.

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She does not want to screw them over. She just wants to have them outed so the good christian bullies can do god's work and beat them to a pulp.

Through my office I know two children who are intersex. Today the mother of one of them made a comment along the lines of, "Soon we will see a new Jim Crow in our country, with signs designating areas for "White Christians Only" and "Others."

Even just thinking about the possibility is doubleplusungood.

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Yea, not like any other Jewish community centers, synagogues, or cemeteries have faced threats and desecration, amirite?

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You misunderstand me. I know from personal experience that this country is incredibly anti-Semitic. I just think we should be careful sharing items from sites that also say the Obamas are divorcing and purport to have a video of Hillary melting down after the election. It reminds me of the time I was looking for a certain brand of shoes and misspelled the name and ended up at a porno site featuring anus porn.

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Again with the inflated sense of importance. Cause one guy on a comments section is gonna stop these clowns from calling liberals lying liars.

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How curious! I was just thinking earlier, after having read yet another grim article about the future of civil rights under Sessions (which always ends with civil rights being relegated to the ash heap of history)... I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice if one of the new appointees just surprised the shit out of everyone and did stuff completely opposite of what everyone predicted they'd do.... like maybe Sessions? Ha ha ha ha no. He behaves so predictably someone should write a manual. But imagine him malfunctioning and doing a Betsy one day and jaws dropping! Imagine all the people, living life in peace.... Hey if I'm ridiculous, so is JL!

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THIS is gas-lighting at its finest. Someone said that Betsy DeVos, a bought-and-paid-for Cheetophile, was reasonable for the FIRST AND ONLY time in her life and we are all supposed to drop our our panties...Fuck this shit. Name a source and I might consider believing something that comes out of Mar-a Lago North...

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Further proof that all women are closet liberals.Also, Betsy? Next time fucking resign and fucking shout why from every fucking news outlet in existence.

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Social Liberal? Betsy?Mark, Mark Mark mark Mark...what are you smoking and where can I find it?

Edit: Also, yes, the people who voted for him REALLY PUT HIM THERE. That is how voting works!

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