oooh, as a Californican I gotta say that's a <i>good</i> burn.

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I think we can make a reasonable guess: "the President is blah".

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defund the educational system, create a shouty 24 news cycle that panders to the lowest common denominator, create an Internet where every high plains drifter thinks that freedom of speech means what you say must have an immediate effect, censor art/television/music that shows love in many forms, but make video games where little kids can vicariously put a bullet into someone's brain.

Oh, and on the last one...did you hear the one about how the new Tomb Raider game has Laura Croft needing to fight off a rapist? I wonder how many players will put down the controller and just watch it happen.

What a world.

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My belief system is this. What I believe is that all things we drive, we do, health care, anything. Anything at all. You have to be endowed by your creative, deliviered without the government. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, those are highest quality and lowest cost can only be delivered without the government. Then who has the responsibility to pay for it? If you’re claiming a right, if you’re going to say anything’s a right, escpecially for the system of our nation, deliviered without the government. That’s this.If you’re claiminess, those healthe pursuit of happiness,not cell phones. That's what I believe.

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That seemed unlikely until I realized that these would be the people who <i>left</i> Florida. So, props to ya.

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The water won't get that high? Yer one a them optimists folks, eh?

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Too bad Arizona isn't close enough to the ocean to disappear when the sea levels rise.

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The photo makes him appear as a arrogant prick. After watching the video again, I can conclude he is an arrogant prick.

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Barber 52%, Kelly 46%. That's the same margin Scott Walker got in his "landslide" victory in Wisconsin! Have the Repubican's learned the lessons of Arizona? The American people have spoken*. ______________________________ * Actually, national Republican Pete Sessions said Barber lied his way into victory. Kids! Ya gotta cut 'em some slack.

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