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Wait, I thought comments were closed? Okay, I'm not going to be here continuously, but Trix doesn't wanna babysit the thread and for reasons of far-too-trusting as an author I have significant moderation power without any easy way for me to see flagged comments differently.

So if people see something they think is not right, feel free to either flag it or bring it to my attention. you know my e-mail, but also you can click on my nym and send me a direct message (I have enabled that option).

I am not particularly knowledgeable on this issue, but I will do my best to make sure people aren't being assfaced hatebaboons.

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I went to school with a bunch of assfaced hatebaboons. It was... unpleasant. Thank God I never went out with one.

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Comments have always been closed.

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Wonket has always been at war with comments

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We will fight them on the beaches! We will fight them in the cafes! We will fight them at the local wine bar! No, not that one, the other one that offers tapas on Tuesdays . . .

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Perhaps this is a trial balloon to see if people have learned some manners.

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You vacuous, malodorous, toffee nosed pervert!

Oh! I'm sorry, wrong office.

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(Frank De Kova) "IT IS BALLOON!"

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I am going to continue to follow my own advice regarding the correct take for outsiders to have on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, which consists of saying, "I pray for peace in the Holy Land" and then shutting the fuck up.

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I am surprised and disappointed that Joe hasn't been able to fix a problem thousands of years in the making. I was really starting to think he was some kind of badass.

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In the sense that humans are thousands of years in the making, sure, but this one is decades at best.

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I'm sending thoughts. To both Hamas and Bibi. Unpleasant thoughts.

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Me, I'm into peace in unholy lands as well. But I'm a rebel like that.

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WHAT "comments"?

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I'm very glad that Comments Are Not Allowed.

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I forgot to close the comments, but I'm keeping an eye.

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Hi,Becca - just checking if my reply to you appears

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I see you!

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Thanks - Must have been "operator error". Thanks for listening, and I apologize for thinking MY mistake was something else

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not at all!!

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People seem to be behaving better. I hope we've learned to talk about this.

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I trust that "I stand with Israel" is acceptable.

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You might want to don a welding mask.

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Maybe Trix meant the Substack thread comments were closed, not the Wonkette.com one?

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So far people seem to have reasonable views.

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Mar 2Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

This seems like something pretty much everyone should agree on. After all "Give everyone eat!!" is kinda one of our things.

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Except children in the US...

Sorry, different rant.

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I ment one of Wonkette's things. With you 100% on why we can't drop food into food deserts right here at home.

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The assfaced baboons are offended.

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It's what they do.

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Mar 2Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

People seem to be behaving. I have my theories about why, but that might open up a kettle of argument-fish, so I'm just gonna hesh my mouth.

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Assfaced hatebaboons are the worst.

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I never thought the assfaced hatebabboons would hate my assface

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Gotta hate somebody I guess 🤷

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It might be the Devil's assface, or it may be the Lord's, still gonna have to h ate somebody

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And the melonfucking Bluetooth assgadgets are right out!

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Sex toys are become quite diverse!

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It's the Rule 34 of sex toys :)

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Yep. I thought I was so clever, coming up with "armadildo" only to find out that it's already a product on the market. Back to the drawing board. Shark tank will have to wait...

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Years ago my wife came up with "Lubricunt" ... and I don't know why that isn't a product yet.

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Bravo. You made me chortle into my coffee.

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I draw the line at cantaloupe. Watermelon scares me.

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“According to the police one young lady – “ he gaped at the name and gasped in shock, “With a MELON?! AGAIN!?”

Rosie, my busty cheetah friend who had had the idea for this shindig, spoke up. “She’s graduated to pumpkins, Your Honor – “

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There are many variations available, I would hope.

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Biden has pursued a Nobel-worthy course to get the violence to stop and has gotten Israel to agree to a six-week cease fire conditioned only on Hamas releasing hostages. Any of these "river to the sea" extremists that support taking and keeping hostages should STFU and get this done.

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I’m not sure Biden telling Bibi to pull back on the indiscriminate bombing will move him at all. Bibi would rather deal with Trump, whom he knows will give him a green light to forcibly remove all 2.2 million Palestinians out of Gaza by any means necessary. So he may just give Biden the finger and keep bombing, knowing that it will also hurt Biden in the polls.

So what can Biden do? I don’t know. I just keep hoping people far more knowledgeable about the situation can come up with a peaceful resolution. I just don’t see what it could be. Hamas are terrorists and Bibi is a corrupt sociopath. Until both are removed from the equation, I don’t see much hope for peace.

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I don’t know anything about air drops or how they’re done. I am literally picturing a plane going over and dumping thousands of packets from the sky. Which would be dangerous, so ??? And how exactly do they prevent a stampede of people, running over little kids and stuffing as many as they can into their undies?

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1000 lb. pallets with GPS controlled parachutes. Drop enough of them and it could pull the crowds away from the roads so the trucks can roll back in.

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Thank you. I sure hope so.

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Not scrolling through any of the comments. Just don't be fucking monstrous to each other.

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First I got bombed with bombs. Now I'm getting bombed with sandwiches. Can I at least have something besides PB&J, I have a peanut allergy.


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I’m going to re-post Biden’s recent interview with Seth Meyers. OHJB talks extensively about the Israeli government’s response to the Hamas attacks, and makes clear that if the Israeli government keeps up their actions in killing innocent Palestinians - not Hamas - they will lose any and all international support.

I’m purposely making a distinction between the current Israeli government and the citizens of Israel, the same way I distinguish between the government of Texas and the citizens of Texas. Just because elected government officials do shitty things does NOT mean we should paint all citizens of a particular geographic area - many of whom didn’t vote for the shitheads in charge - with the same broad brush.

I don’t disagree with Biden’s full-throated support of Israel immediately after the Hamas attacks on 10/7. OTOH, I disagree with the US votes against UN resolutions for a cease-fire, given what we’ve seen from the Israeli government’s response, and the impact on innocent Palestinians in Gaza. I think Biden and his administration have generally tried to persuade the Israeli government to knock it the fuck off when it comes killing or endangering the lives of innocent Palestinians, but he can’t wave a magic wand to make Bibi do his bidding.

And also, given TFG’s hatred of any and all Muslims, he would absolutely support razing Gaza to the ground. Let’s not pretend otherwise.

Starts at about the 6:50 minute mark.


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Hi, Rebecca! Looks like you forgot to block me here as well as on Twitter. I’m sure you’ll attend to that promptly.

Boy, I hardly recognize the place! A post that allows for the distant possibility that Biden hasn’t been handling the genocide in the best of all possible ways! Careful or next thing you know you’ll be voting for Jill Stein.

But seriously, I’m glad to see that electoral self-interest has started to make inroads into your Fuhrerprinzip. You do accept finally that Biden’s bear-hug of the Butcher of Jerusalem is going to buy him a one-way train ticket back to Delaware where he can ramble at the ghostwriter of his presidential memoir about the lessons he learned from standing up to Corn Pop at the swimming pool.

Meanwhile, 10 Gazan children that we know of starved to death this week. That must have been unpleasant! Not just for them but the parents who had to listen to the screaming. But as you’ve pointed out, Israel has a right to defend itself! It’s all so complicated.

The air drops - a humiliating display of weakness, of course - may allow Democratic hacks to pretend that Biden is “doing something”. But they will not keep hundreds and eventually thousands of other Gazans from joining those little ones in martyrdom by November.

So my friendly recommendation is that, rather than golf clapping at Biden’s cynical bullshit, you work on making clear to Old Handsome Joe that if he continues telling the 80% of the party that wants him to stop vetoing UN Security Council cease-fire resolutions to fuck off, they will be happy to return the favor.

See you at the ballot box!

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Author

I think everyone here can see why I blocked you on twitter. Although you usually call me a genocider too.

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And TFG - who instituted a Muslim ban as one of his 1st acts as President* in 2021 - is going to be better for the Palestinians in Gaza how, exactly?

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He doesn't care. It's all about hating on the eeeeeeeevil Democrat in the name of the fairy tale of highlighting the contradictions.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

Ta, Gary. Yes, one fucking thing which is appropriate, necessary, and one hopes not too little, too late. I loathe, detest, and despise Bibi and all his right wing Likkud enablers AND those "settlers" who are often from my birthplace of Brooklyn NY with the heat of ten million suns.

Edited to add: Biden believes a ceasefire is imminent, and I hope that's true, most sincerely.

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Glad you're here, Gary. And thank you for this.

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Sorry, but 38,000 MREs is not going to save millions of people from starvation. All of the relief agencies agree on that, so it isn't even trying. It's just theatre. Heaven help them, because the men in power won't.

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can we please fucking fund Ukraine?

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Airdrop can mean different things. I could be smallish containers dropped from a height, or it could be really large pallets pulled out of an aircraft by parachute from low altitude.

Given the population density of Gaza, I would guess the second is less likely unless we had boots on the ground to distribute the aid and dare either side to take a shot.

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"And then we drop BOMBS... food... FOOD... bombs... and, here's the fun part: some of the bombs were little yellow bombs... and the food packages were little yellow packages. So now you're playing 'Survivor: The Real Game.'" -- Robin Williams on Afghanistan

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I have heard the word "pallets" in reporting, but who knows how accurate any "journalism" is these days. Since the Biden administration has a fairly high quotient of competent staff, I would think/hope they have thought these kinds of logistics through

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Netenyahu wants Trump re-elected. He’s open about this. During the Obama administration he made it a point to court the Republican Party.

He’s also in a fair amount of legal trouble, and will do anything to hang onto being PM and avoiding prosecution.

If a war can keep him in power and even be an excuse to not hold elections, he will do it.

He’s willing to destroy whatever credibility Israel might have internationally to hang onto power and out of jail.

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Sounds like Trump. Maybe we could get an agreement where they can share the same prison cell.

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How about The Hague? I know, I know, the USA ain't part of the International Criminal Court.

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Those sources cited as being ignored have been reporting that Israel had agreed to the 6-week ceasefire he architected. It is now dependent on Hamas agreeing to a hostage release but he is also pushing Qatar to make that happen.

It really requires ignoring Biden's deep background in diplomacy and geopolitics and the goodness of his heart to think that he was just some Israel fanboi who didn't care about the carnage.

But sometimes we don't know everything while it is going on and when there are monsters on both sides getting a stop is not a finger snap.

Maybe we should be giving him more credit...or even realizing that he is the President that we are best to have at this moment.

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In his speeches Biden has been giving, he says one paragraph about Palestinian suffering and four or five on Israel’s suffering from the 7 October attack.

His rhetoric has been slanted towards Israel, knowingly or unknowingly.

He is beginning to be more balanced.

Biden’s doing something, but the issue is has it been enough to really limit Palestinian deaths and suffering? Opinions vary.

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Americans talking about the Middle East is ok, but my heart yearns to hear Middle Easterners talk about Native Americans.

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