that we even have to talk about a thing called "lunch debt" and the resulting turning away and shaming of students makes me just plain angry. hooray, American exceptionalism!

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My California raised SO regards corn as the appropriate side dish for lasagna. A tradition in her family. Ugh.

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"chicken patty" As in, a wad of soggy breadcrumbs with a piece of chicken waved over it?

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I loved the part when It took FRANK 10 minutes to figure out how to pronunce Ursula. I guess they haven't read Ms. LeGuin.

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This country is rich in food. Feeding children should be a no-brainer. Nutrition is incredibly important to a developing mind, and will create a stronger citizenry. And if that's too socialist for you, it will create a healthier workforce for your capitalist endeavours.

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Great! How are we supposed to shame the poor kids if everyone gets a free lunch?

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And is probably getting government benefits.

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I am very familiar with the horrors of the Middle Passage. The US Navy did remarkable work fighting the slave trade - when service on the African coast was almost certainly going to mean disease if not death. My ancestor was Capt. Andrew Hull Foote (hero of the fights at Fort Henry and Donaldson) and he saw service over there, and wrote a book about it.

There is a huge difference between "servants" and "indentured servants."

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I propose a Constitutional amendment: 'No child in America shall go to bed hungry.'

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I keep voting against Cruz and Cornyn, but it just ain't workin'

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Wait, they get free wontons?

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Ben Shapiro bought them all.

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Most schools don't have enough toilets.

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My school's yeast rolls were the best. Miss them.

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I'm encouraged , decency has come to town.

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