With a promotion.

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It's why so many of them worship Gadsden, in't it?

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Ta, Liz.

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Also known as "Ranting and Raving," due to the behaviors exhibited by management when they're ready to kill/do deals/ pick who's going under the bus.

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It's true of 80% of Asian men. (Looks at population. ) Might as well be globally...

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Yes! More like this please! We need to retroactively protect all the (unfortunately few) people who stood up to the dumpster fire presidency. Go back and give them their deserved promotions/pensions. We need to make it publicly clear that whistle blowers will be protected and honored for taking the risk to their lives/careers.

While you're at it, get your forensic accountants busy and claw back all the graft and corruption. Let them know it's not worth the risk.

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You know, that might be the most satisfying news I've heard all day. "There is justice sometimes."Malvina Reynolds: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Hot new album.

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Well, regarding DC, it was originally the part we know now, which was taken from Maryland, and also what is now Arlington County, Virgina (the original DC was essentially diamond-shaped). In 1835, VA decided to take their land (then called Alexandria Co.) back, but that is the reason so many federal building are in VA.So needless to say, your idea was partly done years ago, and if that were done again, DC would go back to being in Maryland.

I agree we need we need to make the territories states, but the only problem I might see is that the Pacific terrtories might not wish to be all lumped together, for both geographic and traditional reasons. The Northern Marianas are right next to Guam, but both of them would probably prefer to be their own states. And American Samoa is over 3500 miles away from them, so they would probably prefer to be separate also.

And that's not even counting the United States Minor Outlying Islands, which are unincorporated unorganised territories of the US, most of which are closed to the public! They apparently have no reperesentation whatsoever, althought the miltary bases there may have some sort of way that the troops can at least vote for federal offices.

So who the heck knows what would work and what wouldn't, except that the Repblicans would want to oppose everything.

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the evil that will not die

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for your convenience. no need to go to the Russian consulate or take an expensive flight to Moscow, get your very own backchannel to Putin and his hackers, just like your favorite *president! (vendor not responsible for identity theft via phone).

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His contract with the demon just got extended.

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Dunno, good guess would be to guard the Capitol after 1/6?

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Sure sure. It’s funny. There are only 3 people here that are actually hostile. You’re one of them. You’re the self appointed cop. Then there’s your pals the Psycho and the Snitch. That’s it. Everyone else can handle arguments without becoming angry about it. ;)

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I saw this dance once before. A guy got railroaded on an accident board, was passed over for colonel, retired as a lieutenant colonel, but kept fighting to clear his name. Three years later he did so. They brought him back on active duty and gave him his promotion to Colonel. He got the back pay for three years as a colonel, went down and put his papers in again and retired as a colonel. A nice fuck you to the USAF that tried to royally screw him.

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Not everyone is out to get you. You're the one seeing trick questions and traps everywhere. That's your problem, not mine.

In this case you demanded Wray be fired because you failed to know the FBI Director has a term that dies not end with a new administration. Then you claimed he had to be involved in Trump fuckery because you just know it. Then you brought up him violating his oath as your reasoning. That's in linear time. Asking me if him violating his oath is grounds for being fired is not germain since you're the one who claimed, with no evidence or even a half baked conspiracy theory to back it up, that he violated his oath.

You claimed it, you make your case. Without deflection. Without moving the goalposts. Without shifting it to someone else.

The real funny thing is you just got done lecturing other posters about making accusations of real crimes without evidence. Which is exactly what you did here. Accused someone of an actual crime without evidence.

Now, run along Sam.

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