Can we even call it infrastructure week if there is actually infrastructure? I feel like this is only gonna confuse people, like when you call a tall guy shorty.

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I just want to point this out again and again and again. He was a senator in a tax shelter haven state (Delaware) during the yuppie Era.

So to believe he is some "liberal" is wrong.

Just sayin

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That does make sense. Trump made the country a laughingstock the world over. Look, biden isn’t perfect. But I’d rather have a president that may flub a few words but at least tries to make things happen than one who constantly lies and is overall dangerous for the country with their rhetoric.

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You feel like living in a toxic dust cloud?

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Fun Fact! Mormon missionaries were originally created to bring white women back to Salt Lake City from England. The polygamy was really chugging along and they ran out of ladies to make in to bang-maids.

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I imagine Obi-Wan discarding a blaster and saying "So uncivilized."

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And Amtrak laments lack of demand.

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OMG, I had no idea. Gross. :(

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And it was so close to done with *checks notes* only several hundred miles to arrange funding for and build.

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My paternal uncle was 6'1" and called "Shorty", because he was short all his life until he had this massive growth spurt in his late teens.

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Brandon Irons.

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If I ever take the Colbert Quiz (and I won't) my answer to the "What one song do you want to listen to forever?" is likely to be Joni Mitchell, Just Like This Train. Court and Spark is near a perfect album.

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He can make up for it by washing all my clean dishes.

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He told some asshole to Shut Up and I liked it!

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Don't worry! Mormon magic underwear will save them!

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Plus that word jumble from the Shoney's menu! He was SO close, you giys!

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