... and stop whining when those countries expect your businesses moving this way to pay their damn taxes! The Canadians are the biggest offenders here (in the mining sector), though

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An adaption to the American "car culture"? I don't think I've even seen a taco truck anywhere in Latin America outside of "gringo ghettos" and then, only very, very rarely. Semi-permanant puestos on the streets, and mom-n-pop hole in the walls everywhere though.

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A lot of nurses are from overseas already. The nurse who cared for my father in his last days was from Nigeria (her husband was a British Airways pilot). A lovely person.

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My sense for years has been that Evangelicals (a growing minority in Latin America, a majority in Guatemala) are more likely to emigrate than Catholics... between the "prosperity Gospel" types and the Evangelical sense of personalist salvation (including econmic salvation) opposed to the more Catholic sense of a "community of believers" I don't know that's true.... and, of couse, immigrants try to assimilate, which in the US would mean religious believers are going to go with the sects they think are "American".

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Not necessarily. It gets confusing. 50 years ago, programming was considered a clerical job and had mostly women and was low paid. engineering paid well, not as much as a board chairman, but good for a white collared job. Many Americans were switching to white collared jobs and the middle class pay was soaring. Programming attracted men and the pay was rising. I switched from being an employee to a freelancer and doubled my pay and gort some good tax breaks that only used to go to the rich.. The immigration switched from just farmworkers, etc to white collared work at low pay. Hb1 Visas became the plague of the middle class programmers and engineers. Salaries started to drop. But an immigrant did not take my job, my programming job was shipped out of the country to a cheaper one.

can't have too much of the hoi palloi getting rich.

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Yup. They at least get something for having paid taxes. Undocumented people pay taxes and get nothing. It sucks. They can’t even demand a fair wage.

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I don't know about who has a "greater claim to the American flag". That's a bit prejudicial doncha think?

I mean, Indigenous folks were here before all of us. But then, it warn't "America" yet then, were it.

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A day before. Remember Colonel Vindman? Ot was it Milley? Anywho, you get the idea.

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Amen , sister

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Andy McCabe at the FBI as well. Assholes

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When I worked in hospitals, I met a number of Filipino DOCTORS who came here to work as nurses, just to get here.

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he's druish?

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And better food. Yay for peppers and curry!!!

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not to mention the time wasted on active shooter drills because the nation can't get over its hard-on for weapons of war

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yeah but the candy is always stale in the MREs which aren't that cheap.

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UArizona has a Chavez Hall, named for Cesar.

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