the unity around 'the big lie' is giving me life.

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I might be into that but it depends on what color it is...

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I may be wrong, but I think the way it works is it comes as a refund. Even if you did not pay any taxes. So you get it. And if the choice is $3600 or $0, I choose $3600. It is by definition better than nothing.

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I think you're giving the Q's a little too much credit. I doubt that most of them could explain what "deficit" means, but a million bucks? THAT they would understand.

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All they know is the congress rats they believe in say it's bad.

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The $1,400 is already a concession

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Democrats have finally figured that part out.

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"a stimulus consisting of eight bucks and a bottle of generic Robitussin hydroxychloroquine" FIFY

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Republicans rely on the double standard where only Dems are viewed as responsible for fixing stuff. They break it, we buy it, repeat. And, until now, that narrative has floated because we failed to overshadow their lies and propaganda with our own voices. Getting that part right is now essential. We have to control the messaging and the narrative, and we have to do it on a level that can be heard well over top of theirs. I’m glad to see we are adapting to the playing field.

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You mean the Alan Greenspan said Clinton retiring the national debt was actually a bad thing to justify W's massive tax cut for the wealthy that sent us into a major recession? That Alan Greenspan?

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Also that they're winning the "stimulus" or "relief" messaging war, starting with the "Rescue Plan" name. Everyone has learned that "stimulus" means money for bankers. It's such a, well, relief.

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"a stimulus consisting of eight bucks and a bottle of generic black market Robitussin hydroxychloroquine" FIFY, again

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The best reason!

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Just go for the straight bleach. No chaser.

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Just wrote a nice letter to Ossoff reminding him that starting off his legislative career by breaking a promise would be a very, very stupid idea.

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