I would not watch that show

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I was fortunate enough to get my college education in the '80s when it was affordable for a 4-year undergrad degree and loans could be paid off quickly. In the past few years, I've had opportunities that much smarter coworkers do not, simply because I have a degree. Even decades of experience doesn't count. That's not right.

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Stop teasing me with stuff I can't listen to! WAAAAA!!!

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They could get better deals by making Russia a client state.

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Didn't read the article, but why is Putin making out with Dr. Phil?

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American wingnuts would have to be able to speak English first.

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They will be joined by other states.

Whether they want to join or not.

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Yeah, but it comes with a load of people. And they're not Han either.

They might take the bit close to them, start ethnicity cleansing it to make room for more Han.

But I don't think they want the western bit.

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I'm not sure what a client state is but I think that might be kind of what I meant about how they can get discounts if they don't have to treat them as a more equal trade partner.

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The people who need to hear it are the Warrens and other do-nothing members of Congress. The law that Congress passed - the very same Congress that Warren et al are members of - lays out the very limited conditions under which debt can be canceled. Opening it up to blanket forgiveness would be Congress's job, not Biden's, and it is profoundly callous of Warren et al to tell people to put in Biden's shoulders knowing full well that he can't do it.

Here's the law. Notice how it names specific circumstances under which forgiveness is allowable. The fact that it identifies those circumstances, and doesn't anywhere else say that the Secretary of Education can cancel all debt, pretty much means that the law would have to be changed to offer blanket forgiveness. The arguments to the contrary rely on sentence fragments for the same reason the NRA employs sentence fragments: because the full sentences undermine their arguments.


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The only rein on Putin Nukes, is that the entire time, he knows that if not he himself would be vaporized (quick bunker access), all chances of a "New Russia" - improved, stronger and better would completely be dissolved...

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Or, after enough time to die of hunger, resulting from a "nuclear winter", which is bound to happen.....

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How many virgins will they receive in paradise?

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Jewish Space Lasers - just in time to save the day!

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