Or it could be easier - you could say "The moron from Fox", "The moron from OANN", "the moron from the New York Times" and get it right every time.

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You used POSTUS instead of POTUS. Old habits die hard, don't they?

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good times.

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i didn't think it possible, but NPR has sunk so far (i don't know who the ME host is, but man he sucks. with both R's and D's) i'm routinely skipping ALL the stories and listening to podcasts. i feel like they got a little better late in the Trump years but have completely regressed since 1/20 (for a moment, i thought the rural kansas cleatus safari was a parody).

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indeed they DO

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Steve Doocey would never have gotten his job if his father wasn't a brainless asshole.

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Ta, Stephen.

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About the SOTU, IIRC, the president has to deliver a report to Congress. Actually addressing Congress in person is by invitation of the Speaker of the House.

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I fucking hate the professional media sometimes. I don't want to silence them, but they only care about clickbait.

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I'd do my best to hide from these nasty reporters too. It just shows that Biden has common sense. He also has Jen.

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Well, Cheney anyway.

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Me too! OMG, we'll be vaccine buddies!

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Conflict sells. They still need to fill their 24/7 air time with something, preferably with something that will be controversial and divisive so that their ratings will increase, which would increase ad revenue and profits...

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It would be funny if he was made to sit (if he comes back all trained) up front sort of slathering at the reporters. Lots of people are scared of German Shepards in the weirdest way. ("What's his name-- Adolph?")

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I never plan anything any more because I'm worried what might happen in nine days time ...

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Very true.

And with entertainment figures pretty much locked down, they can't do stories about guys like Mel Gibson getting hauled out of their Lamborghinis for DUI and getting abusive to cops.

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