" He was more like Tim Cook shrugging and saying, “Let’s give that 1990s iMac another shot.”"

I wish this wasn't such a depressing story, because THAT'S funny!

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Frustrated as people may be with Democrats, Republicans in charge means major steps backward on every issue.

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As usual, Carlin was ahead of his time:


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TBF, that is higher than the average Texas republican’s reading level.

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There's the possibility that by reducing the burden on police officers by creating new municipal organizations to do so (e.g. trained psyche crisis responders, for example), you reduce the need for police. Which means more police out of a job. Theoretically.

The fact that current police might be given the opportunity to transfer to these new organizations, so they stay employed and can actually help people, runs up against the "but I always wanted to be a cop" issue.

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if that were the case, they wouldn't have their panties in a wad about books and critical race theory. they have at least a 6th grade reading level.

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“Fund them with resources and training.”

Sure. But weed out the badies and replace them, train the replacements differently, and make those ‘resources’ the separate special departments we create to handle the stuff police shouldn’t be handling. I have no problem labeling those new structures as being LE. It’s a broad term. And it will allow police funding to go to them, and not to purchase military surplus, and pay for legal defense of bad cops. Fund the police, or whatever. Just fix that shit. And don’t blindly hand money out without well-defined parameters for how it can be used. No misappropriations.

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I do. Candidates for office should use some of their campaign money to hire marketing/ad agencies. Those people know how to market. Start there.

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He is going to fund them and wrap it in strings, if we can get a decent Dem Senator. The strings will be terrible things such as: database of killer cops, requirements for decent training, and no more war toys.

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It is their job to take the risk of being stabbed.

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They are winning because the elite members of the press are also rich and want to keep their taxes low. So they want to keep Dems out of power.

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The best way to make life better for people is TO FUND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. Al Franken learned and then said that.

Of course, a lot of people are no longer toddlers, but start improving the young while dealing with the older ones.

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My son is training to be a cop. Actually, a Polizist. Their training is rigorous and l-o-o-o-n-g. He's two years into a three year curriculum. I'd say that's long enough to weed out the bad guys... and get actual training.

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'I once believed the “bad apple” theory of law enforcement' The original saying was, One bad apple spoils the whole barrel

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Is a Polizist a German police officer? US militarized, bigoted, uneducated, immature culture, with an over-armed populace, has bigger challenges, IMO. Not that Germany doesn’t have challenges. They are just different.

Three years of curriculum is good. The type of training should also include ways for them to identify when they should be calling in a different specialist to handle a situation, and it really needs to train them how to de-escalate situations. If they have previous military experience, they need to have additional training to condition them to not revert to using military training, tactics, and mentality while operating as an officer. And, that additionally means the officers working with them need to be trained to not copy them if they end up exhibiting that military knowledge in front of them. But that’s just training, and it’s only the tip of the iceberg for issues needing to be addressed. We need to be much more stringent in screening candidates. Psychological health, stability, capacity to navigate high-stress situations, emotional empathy, and a conscious personal investment to avoid bigotry and bias in their behaviors and thinking… all need to be addressed, and checked regularly.

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Except they don't. Or if they do they hire only terrible agencies. Because they really suck at marketing.

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