ohforfuckssake we cannot believe we are going to have to write about Obamaphones again. Everybody - and we mean EVERYBODY - has debunked the myth that these phones are just a giveaway to lazy shiftless welfare peoples AND explained that the program started with Saint Reagan.
I don't get my Soros money package until Friday - please tell me that phone has the k3wl ringtone of the President kicking out that crazy Kenyan laugh at the death of American patriots!?! I want that so bad!
easy, he tosses red meat like this to the relatively poor morons who vote for him, getting them all wound up and hating on the even poorer people a rung or two down the economic ladder.. it's classic bait and switch, give people a nice easy scapegoat for their life's problems so they don't notice the wholesale looting going on by the people at the top...
Well, then, everything on that website is just demonic lies.
Good thing there's Conservapedia.
This righteous bag of diaper-juice is surely concerned about increasing the availability of pay phones, then - for public safety. Right?
I don't get my Soros money package until Friday - please tell me that phone has the k3wl ringtone of the President kicking out that crazy Kenyan laugh at the death of American patriots!?! I want that so bad!
Consider what kind of hyper-lunatics are boxed out of the primary by the <strike>shitting</strike> <i>sitting</i> incumbent...
easy, he tosses red meat like this to the relatively poor morons who vote for him, getting them all wound up and hating on the even poorer people a rung or two down the economic ladder.. it&#039;s classic bait and switch, give people a nice easy scapegoat for their life&#039;s problems so they don&#039;t notice the wholesale looting going on by the people at the top...
I see Sen. Vitter&#039;s honesty is of a similar caliber to his family values.
Michele Bachmann?
no, but you do get a free text photo of Anthony Weiner&#039;s junk...
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