"I'mma not gonna let'em put no evil inta my body, it's mah temple! Say, you know if there's a Burger King 'rount here?"

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But what have the Romans ever done fo... oh, wait. Never mind.

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So one of these trucker clowns was cosplaying as some Christian warrior Knights Templar? Why am I not surprised? I see that Maltese Cross imagery on a lot of delusional Meal Team militia profile pics. This is almost as pathetically stupid as that obese Sharticus dressed up as the Book of Mormon's obviously fictional Captain Moroni during the January 6th capitol poo fling. And yeah, you're gonna need to hit Wikipedia to see how dumb that character was. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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So I'm thinking with all the crap going on in the world these big strong truck driving guys and I'm sure a couple ladies are protesting wearing masks when most aren't required lately? Well morons the world is blowing up and some day you'll wish your only problem was you need a mask. Hope you all took out big loans to pay for the gas. Idiots.

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There’s an argument to be made that a cowboy hat is part of your outfit, I guess, but there is absolutely no justification for wearing a ball cap in a meeting with United States senators, no matter how despicable they are. I hope Cruz and Johnson were appropriately miffed at the level of disrespect their base showed them.

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Jordan and clustereffers don't believe in adult dressing.

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They want a medieval society with divine right of white male kings and lords to rule us all. Michigan wants to allow people to sue someone fleeing the state to exercise their constitutional rights. Jim Crow meets Saudi Arabia.

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Not risking parking tickets?

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We are not amoral. That's the gQP.

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There's always a yutz who cosplays the Monty Python knight to protest against reproductive rights marches in Cleveland.

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This is America. We do rule of law, not orders from some lord or king. We used to separate religion and law, because we are a democracy, not a theocracy. When you mix the two, you get elected officials who think they are godz voice.

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After this, we're gonna need a new flag.

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Spread the world.

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Lol! They wasted all that effort driving across America in their gas-trucks when Johnson would have met with them for a bag of cheese curds and a gently used dildo.

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This should clear things up.https://twitter.com/ThatCar...

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oh hai! but he's only marginally better looking :)

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