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<blockquote>It's unclear what happened with vigorous criminal prosecution after 2002.</blockquote>

I've got a pretty good fucking idea what happened and why.

<blockquote>In the last three years, a new MSHA enforcement effort called "dust busters" targeted mines with coal dust problems.</blockquote>

I wonder what changed between 2002 and "three years ago". I know I know it, just can't quite put my finger on it...

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Oh, they're <a href="http:\/\/www.cdc.gov\/ncidod\/dvrd\/spb\/mnpages\/dispages\/ebola\/ebolatable.htm" target="_blank">still around</a>.

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If I were him I'd probably have one of those mirrors on sticks to check under the car every morning and evening. The Massey folks are not nice people.

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They much prefer Private Health, they can make more money off it.

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When will we start seeing leprosy, and bubonic plague.

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come on everybody, we got quiltin' to do!

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well to be fair, the clean cold fresh air of FL is exactly like a swiss sanatorium.

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Kickstarter does books? Think they'd help raise money for my retirement farm in Washington State (law allows med pot patients to have in possession a 60-day supply, estimated at <b>24 ounces of usable pot</b> (no stems or trash) PLUS <b>15 plants</b>!) where I'll raise hops for beer, apples for cider, pigs, and hell?

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See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, Treat no evil.

Hey, if there's no hospital for it, that must mean nobody's sick, right? Right? Guys?

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Brilliant! I think I'll ask Mickey about building an Abortionplex on Disney property. That would fit perfectly into my theme park scheme.

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Irony alert: Dr. John Gorrie , a Florida physician invented a form of refrigeration using isentropic expansion to cool TB patients in hospitals in 1842. I guess Governor Goat fuck missed that little factoid.

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"Because government isn't the solution to our problems, it is the problem...and now you have cholera."

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What will close next? Leper Land at Disney World?

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Is today's theme going to be "Republican Governors Suck"? Because they sure fucking do.

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That's something like what they did with the Cuban boat lift. Food, shoes, temporary shelter, a bus ticket and a list of states with better welfare than Florida.

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