He's in a reality show, where all that counts is coming out on top at the end of every episode. Still seven episodes for short-term bullshit before election day.
Notreelybarking responds to complete sentences. It’s really weird. Suppose he’s pattering around the house looking for Ms. Notreelyhelping. If I say “Out back! Out back!” I’ll just get this look from him. (“It’s so sad—he seems bright.”)
But if I say “Mrs. Notreelyhelping isn’t in the house. She’s out back, tending to the vegetables,” he’ll abruptly turn and go out back. It’s the weirdest thing.
It astonishes me how often Trump fucks up, I mean, all he has to do is the RIGHT FUCKING THING and not make it all about him, and he'd see an uptick of support. People can forgive a TON if there's something in it for them. It might not be enough, but at least he'd be better able to play shenanigans.
And yet, he couldn't. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do the right thing to save his own ass.
He's in a reality show, where all that counts is coming out on top at the end of every episode. Still seven episodes for short-term bullshit before election day.
So, why doesn't she do something? Her arsenal is pretty extensive.
And have very tiny, dick-shaped ammunition.
"Cheese food."
I was always fascinated with Tuco. What an incredible performance.
There's no radical like a convert. And I'm hoping to see a lot more converts out there over the next few years.
The reason trump doesn't do anything for the American people is because what's in it for him?
Notreelybarking responds to complete sentences. It’s really weird. Suppose he’s pattering around the house looking for Ms. Notreelyhelping. If I say “Out back! Out back!” I’ll just get this look from him. (“It’s so sad—he seems bright.”)
But if I say “Mrs. Notreelyhelping isn’t in the house. She’s out back, tending to the vegetables,” he’ll abruptly turn and go out back. It’s the weirdest thing.
. . . and did he, at least, unplug it from the router?
Sure are a lot of people that were sleeping their way through the last 30 years.
yeah, sorry about your kids and SO.
There has to be a lot of social media fuckery going on, to result in these sorts of events.
In 2021, we might get some details.
can't be doin' that. . . there's only so much gas in the lord's tank!
[ . . . so scratch "omnipitent" ]
aim sucks.
It astonishes me how often Trump fucks up, I mean, all he has to do is the RIGHT FUCKING THING and not make it all about him, and he'd see an uptick of support. People can forgive a TON if there's something in it for them. It might not be enough, but at least he'd be better able to play shenanigans.
And yet, he couldn't. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do the right thing to save his own ass.