Big Surprise: Creep Who Killed Lauri Carleton Over Rainbow Flag Was 'Pro Life' 'Christian' Gay-Hater
They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love.
Police in California have identified the suspected killer of Laura Ann Carleton, 66, the shop owner who was murdered Friday because she had a rainbow Pride flag outside her Lake Arrowhead store in the San Bernardino Mountains. According to authorities, 27-year-old Travis Ikeguchi shouted homophobic slurs at Carleton about the flag, then shot and killed her. Ikeguchi fled, and when police caught up with him, he was shot and killed after he refused to drop his handgun, then fired at officers, according to police.
According to the New York Times and her family, Carleton went by Lauri. Her murder is being investigated as a hate crime, San Bernardino County Sheriffs officials told NBC News.
The New York Times reports that, according to Carleton’s family, every time some idiot tore down or vandalized the rainbow flag outside her clothing store, Mag.Pi, she made a point of replacing it with a larger one.
In a surprise to absolutely no one, Ikeguchi’s Xitter account was a sewer of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, calls for a nationwide abortion ban, and conspiracy garbage mixed with “Christian” messages about how everyone needs to get saved.
Asked for comment on His alleged follower’s actions, the Lord Jesus Christ explained He had already made clear to Ikeguchi, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoer!”
The late creep’s pinned tweet, a fake photo of a rainbow flag in flames, was pretty typical of the account’s content. And pretty typical of a lot of hateful content all over X/Twitter. See how he added “P” for “pedophile” to “LGBTQ,” wasn’t that a fun joke?
It’s a bit of a contrast with his profile, which reads “There is only one way to the path of salvation and to have eternal life and that is through Jesus Christ. And yes, the path is narrow.” He regularly condemned Christians who embraced gay people, because of course he did.
The Independent notes that the anti-LGBTQ+ content on Ikeguchi’s social media accounts
went back as far as two years, with a 2021 post reading: “We need to STOP COMPROMISING on this LGBT dictatorship and not let them take over our lives!”
In another violent post also from 2021, the user spoke of killing police officers.
“I know it’s controversial for me to mention the option to kill a police officer, but these police officers are not the servants for the people they are the servants for the laws,” the post read.
Gosh, and 2021 was roughly when far-right media shifted from freaking out about “critical race theory” to paranoia over LGBTQ+ people, especially trans folks.
Ikeguchi was also obsessed with abortion, and considered women’s ability to control their reproduction intrinsically connected to LGBTQ+ rights, because God wants everyone to make babies, after all. On June 23, he tweeted,
Abortion and same-sex marriage are both immoral and are design to destroy humanity one by one. So if someone is pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQP, they are at war against the foundation of family values.
–Travis Ikeguchi 6/23/2023 6:39am.
He was very big on signing his tweets, since they were clearly the statements of a genius.
On Friday, the day he murdered Carleton and committed suicide by cop, Ikeguchi took to Gab to name a grab bag of grievances, the Independent reports.
America must repent for a lot of things we allow; abortion/baby killing, sexual immortality, pornography, same-sex marriages, LGBTQP/pedophilia, freemasonry, religiosity, politics, wars, colonialism, the federal reserve.
In addition to those conspiracy obsessions, Ikeguchi was also a fan of antisemitic rants against George Soros, weird COVID theories, and claims that Michelle Obama is actually a man. He believed all of it, and the terrifying thing is that his account isn’t significantly different from run-of-the-mill QAnon or MAGA accounts. Hell, in the relatively brief time I looked at the account, it doesn’t appear he even posted the usual ritual photos of himself with firearms, which I suppose makes him an outlier.
Why, yes, of course I was able to scroll through the account. Even though the murder occurred on Friday and Ikeguchi was identified by authorities late Monday afternoon, the brain trust at X/Twitter have, as of blog time, left his account up so it can keep spreading hatred.
Ms. Carleton was a beloved member of the Lake Arrowhead community and in California fashion circles; after attending the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, ABC News reports, she eventually
joined Kenneth Cole Productions almost from its inception in 1982 and worked for the company for more than 15 years, becoming an executive, according to the website.
Cole posted a statement on social media confirming Carleton had been a friend and a long-time associate of his company. Cole called Carleton's slaying "an unnecessary and tragic death."
Carleton’s daughter Ari — one of her nine children — told the New York Times her mom was “fearless” and a pillar of the community:
When a rare blizzard struck the area this year, Ms. Carleton, whose given name was Laura but who went by Lauri, and her husband, Bort Carleton, converted her shop into a relief center.
“She opened up a free shop where she and my dad just gave out supplies to those in need who had been impacted by the storms,” Ari Carleton said in a phone interview on Sunday, adding, “That really sums up who she was as a person.” […]
“I just want the world to remember her for who she was,” Ari Carleton said. “And that she passed away in a place that she cherished, doing what she loved and defending something that was so important to her.”
So let’s remember Lauri Carleton and forget the name of her killer — but never, ever downplay the danger posed by hateful rhetoric. It’s deadly, and it can’t be tolerated.
[NBC News / Independent / NYT]
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I see a lot of comments by these chuckefuck clowns that they want a civil war. They don't want that. The actual, real military would smoke each one of them before they put on their pants in the morning.
No, what they want is lynch mobs. Like the good old days. Where grandpappy could take a day off work to teach a minority a thing or two about staying in their place. With the whole town nodding in approval, or hiding in locked cellars out of fear.
They want the freedom to be terrorists and face no repercussions.
Fuck them. Fuck their "noble" fighting for freedom civil war bullshit talk. They're terrorists. Plain and simple.
Old story round here, but our youngest son and his husband, both physicians, have discussed moving out of country, but have decided that's just unacceptable to them when so many don't have that luxury. (Celebrated their 10 year anniversary this year btw. Good men both, beautiful inside and out... if I can be the proud ol Dad for a second.)
Trump's MurriKKKa' has turned the rocks over and let so many of these Christofascist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist..etc. POS out and given them permission to act out violently __ and it's only going to get worse for the immediate future.
We and his brothers have told our son we'd understand if they decided to go, but, of course, I'm glad they've decided they aren't just taking an easier route and leaving. Dangers are everywhere, in every country, and these monstrous people here and the Trumpian hellscape they want to impose on us all have to be met and defeated.
And that's my TED talk for this morning. Thanks for listening.