Ooh! "Justice". Hey, Bill Barr, this is where you bend over, grab your ankles, and yell, "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"

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Karen must have actually said that, because there's no mention of tears.

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Very much want to relocate to Portlandia, but maybe one of those swing counties could use another blue voter or two. The whole western slope of the Cascades looks trapped between environmentalists and anti-environmentalists.

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Who were you fighting for? Your pockets.

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Yeah, we are SOOOO losing our deposit on the planet.

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I called one of the Republican reps leading the charge in running from the State to vote. He said that he'd do it again too and it was an effective way to govern. Fuck him.

Also, when they were fighting over the HB2020 bill, Democrats made a concession to EXEMPT the logging industry entirely!

I'm now in "#Timber Unity" country but these folks will never agree that the effects on climate change are by far the worse in the low income communities that surround where I live. This, and I read an article somewhere that mentioned how trucks are becoming more green anyways, because they're far more efficient. So it's inevitable that the industry will turn green, but logging on the other hand, it's just sad driving through desolate wastelands that are caked along the Claptop National Forest, among other western National Forests in the state.

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What can you say about a candidate who actually looks at the data when formulating policy. As a scientist, I'm in love (platonically).

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If only Harvard had that policy for Dershowitz, he would have been fired in the 80s. He was notorious for always being busy with any publicity-seeking thing he could find and neglecting the classes he was supposed to teach.

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Best I've heard in days.

So, ya wankers, I've moved on to a swing shift, 10 hrs each running food packaging machines.

It's not the worst, but it takes from Wonk-ing.

Miss u asses.


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"And that's why Republicans in the state Senate feel outraged and betrayed."

Good. I love when that happens. Butthurt GOP sniveling and whining.

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Of course they are - the free market didn't decide the way they wanted it to!

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85 in an inland swamp is hellish. 85 and a strong sea breeze is heavenly.

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Crazy coincidence, huh?

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Sometimes capitalism works the way it's supposed to.

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I'm hoping that as time goes on that becomes a thing of the past. Though if the climate changes too much more we'll still have wastelands where forests were, but caused by uncontrollable forest fires.

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Bring swim trunks. The Penguin Underwater Experience is not to be missed!

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