Just a minor inconvenience for King, and he'll probably enjoy being out of the spotlight a bit now that he's not in the midst of things. I wish I could find a job where I'm relieved of all my pesky duties and still pull full salary and benefits.

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Panic in the streets of London? Dammit man, and I'm sure that it's been mentioned, that's the motherfucking Smiths. Dance Party anyone?https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Plus we all migrated out of Africa at one point or another.

And there's more genetic variation within a group of folks with low melanin counts (pale folks) than there is between groups of pale people and darker folks.

It's meaningless bullshit.

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So, he recklessly quoted himself out of context?

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OK, so one racist got caught in the act. What about all the others?

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King has condoned and cheered for animal torture too. He is a garbage human.

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Its a bit confuzzing-is he, Nazi Rep, Steve King or Nazi, Rep Steve King?

Cha ching, its both BOTK. The dudes whole context is Nazi/white supremacist, if he's taken out of context, ITS STILL THE CONTEXT!

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"Where there's smoke, there's racists."

Only if we set them on fire.

Which would of course be horribly immoral and never something I would suggest actually happen.

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When we travelled around Ireland I learned that during the 1500s, Galloway, on the West Coast, was an important trading partner with Spain, and there were intermarriages between Spanish and Irish. I already knew that there was intermingling between the Spanish and the Moors of North Africa. So when we returned home I enjoyed telling our Sons of Confederate Veterans neighbor, who is proud of being "100% white, by way of Ireland" that he may very well have some African genes. It was a bit of a stretch, I know, but I can be nasty that way to make a point.

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I'm sorry if my observation strikes as an insult but as a native Iowan, I do say that racism in Iowasux isn't any worse now than it ever was. This here population did not just "become" racist and if Jack didn't see it when he was living here ...

that is all I have

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As has been pointed out by other Wonketeers, Irish and Italians, Poles and ESPECIALLY Jews, were cheerfully dumped in the "non-white" can. Hell, the Jews thought they were white for years, and it's only now that Nazism is a semi-respectable viewpoint that they're finding differently.

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How old are you? Jack is 78 if memory serves.

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About 13,000 Iowans died in service during the Civil War.

And I'm sure of what every one of them would have loved to do with that Confederate flag on King's desk.

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Fred Flintstone Libelz!

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