I remember him playing in Buffalo. There were a lot of fires in Buffalo at the time, just saying.

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If these two make bucks by flipping houses just how fucking Christian is that?

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Don't forget David Warner in "Time Bandits".

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Satan's been behind every Liberal plot since Galileo argued for Heliocentrism.

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The bros appear to be toe-suckers.

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God was a programmer, w/ a bad case of "Code Reuse".

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What language was that Google-translated from?

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The "fact that we are Americans" does tend to open them up to compromise, in order to maintain a society. It isn't a cape of convenience. The Bill of Rights still protects all those other Americans who don't respect the Benhams or their beliefs.

And our economic system permits them to take their triumphant beliefs and start their own cable channel. That would cut into their time to whine about not getting their way (and smear God with their overblown sense of entitlement)...

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I didn't get all my work done today due to the Demonic Agenda. My boss is gonna soooo pissed at you, Satan!

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Without hearing the accent, I can't tell if that is Cobb, or Caesar.

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Toe fetishists say what?

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Oh, we're not about "supressing the truth". Thanks to you two and your big mouths, the truth about what snake-oil salesmen you are is clear as day.

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