yay sea turtles!and yay J.O.M. for the news about the sea turtles!

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and Rick "Goodhair" Perry, and Michele "Crazy-Eyes" Bachman, and Squirrel-Poppin' Mike Huckabee also too. the take away from this is that the "god" they are listening to has a cruel sense of humor, and doesn't like his communicants one little bit

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i know !

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I want to be able to do what ever the hell I want to do and I want to use my religion to protect me. Oooo Kayyyy. Hmmmmmm. You know, if you use that others will too and they will use it against you. Do you still want everyone to have special excemptions? No? Oh, that is more honest. You only want YOU to have a special excemption.

Well, isn't that special? (a certain church lady used to say)

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I'll buy her "God is calling me..." crap as soon as He submits it in writing.

Also, child rearing is quite popular among the devout; especially among ministers an youth counselors.

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what nonsense. satan created wordpress.

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God has a really warped sense of humor. Best to steer clear of Him, look what's happened to His "chosen people".

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Judge for the calligraphy couple said it best. Writing two mens names next to each other doesn't impede your freedom to worship at all.

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Doing what their manual tells them to do: Hating people, and, when they can get away with it, enslaving, torturing, raping and murdering them in droves.

It's the one thing they've been really, really consistent about throughout their history.

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Because the whole premise is built on the idea of swallowing whatever you're told, even if it's so stupid that five year olds can see through it as stupid.

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Mixing milk and meat in one dish is up there, too.

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That's basically what I did when I got married. Mostly because I'm too lazy to plan out one of those elaborate weddings, and I could think of better things I could do with my time and money than blow either on some ridiculous spectacle.

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She hasn't even read her hate cult manual if she thinks that it says marriage is between one man and one woman.

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Sorry, but the book indicates quite clearly that the psychopath in the sky didn't care for gays at all.

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Poor Jesus. His followers have become a bunch of bullying cowards. Whatever happened to "take up your cross and follow me?" Whatever happened to the sanctity of all those "martyrs"? Didn't you guys admire them? How is it that the chance to be (very, very slightly) martyred isn't special enough for you, despite it being specifically what your god told you he wanted from you? How do you dare to bargain with your god to avoid the consequences of your beliefs? You who are always talking about his wrath - why aren't you scared of it yourselves?

I'll never stop being astounded at the utter contempt and disdain these people have for the god they profess to worship. I could never behave in such a way towards any god of mine. No matter what some people might say, religion is not some childish game of philosophical Tinker Toys. It's some serious shit, and it involved some serious commitment to whatever one's faith is. And that doesn't involve pooh-poohing what your god requires of you just because it's inconvenient or icky. Pathetic little weener, FEH.

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