I’ve been saying for a while that the GOP AGs have been getting worse. I didn’t know enough about the pre-alignment ones.

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Because it's not suspicious to have a plane-load of people all in black outfits with backpacks full of, presumably, bricks and soup and bats.

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President Trump sure did find, at last, in William Barr, the so-called Attorney General of his hottest fever dreams.

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Lol, yeah, okay, Barr. Make up shit about Antifa without any actual evidence just so you can better drain Trump's manhood essence with your mouth.

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I thought Neckbeard the Pirate got canned a couple of weeks ago. Something about an expensive rally where nobody showed up and those that did got coronavirus and died. Really quite a shitshow.

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He’s a Renaissance asshole, a dildo for all seasons. Truly a well-rounded absolute piece of shit.

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Yup, they are going full conspiracy theory shit now.

America is fucked.

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Committing a felony? AFAIK, Blake had de-escalated a fight between two women. Then the cops showed up, and one of them shot him in the back as he entered his car, not only nearly killing Blake, but also endangering the lives of the minor children in the backseat of his car. Bill Barr must be dis-Barred, charged, prosecuted, tried, and imprisoned.

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Antifa. No plane, but may have had soup.


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I think slapping a big "LOSER" across that would really drive him nutters.

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I just want him to dance the hangman's jig at the end of a nice stout rope. Why can't I have nice things?

Also "ramrod"??

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So the ramrods are flying around the country with weapons of rioting, and their Antifa purchases, and oh, oh, oh, the things and the statistics and no racism, we are following!!

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A sculptured turd.

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*...taps keyboard feverishly...*

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That’s a fine list. Javanka belongs there somewhere. I guess I’ll have to have a “Top Six”(six and a half?) list of people a utterly despise.

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Remember when we all thought Jefferson Blowjob Succession was the worst thing that could happen to this country for an AG? Good times.

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