Flagstaff AZ did the same, and was similarly knocked down by AZ gop legislation.

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it's all fun and games until potential negligent homicide turns into actual crimes against humanity.

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Grammar died of virus.

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When did he serve as Attorney General?

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So if Joe gave $500, Sam gave $1000, and Sally gave $500, the average donation would be $666.666666666666... ad infinitum. That looks suspicious.

Obvious a foreign plot by radicals (or the so-called square roots.)

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I was told there would be no bad math.

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You must account for fractional peeps B-)

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Hitler would have fragged Barr, but Trump is much too risk averse (and lazy, also too).

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how better to "own the libs" then to kill off as many citizens as possible?

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I hope that means he's coming for Republicans.

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louIE g.

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Why do they all look like cartoon villans?

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Like the choir rehearsal in WA where 2/3 of the attendees came down with covid-19

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Garter belts are an invention of the Devil. He's into torture.

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As I recall from living in Atlanta, the rest of the state was appalled at the (by comparison) casual attitude toward "race-mixin' ".

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