
Edited: I love disqus for providing this platform. Kinda wish it worked better.

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Trouble with hiding canned clams is that by the third day you're ready to dig them all up....

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I’m not Jewish, but definitely think, “Thafuck does that even mean???” whenever I see that phrase.

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One of the reasons I'd like to see PR is because more different viewpoints and they have to work together - you can't be tribal if you need to collaborate. First past the post is just not fit for purpose.US politics is showing us how poisonous tribalism is and how deadly to democracy the citizens ubited decision and dark money is.So can I add publically funded elections with no donations over a certain level and absolute transparency. If you donate your name gets published and there is strict conflict of interest checking.

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"legislate anything they don't like out of existence"

False dilemma. The knowledge continues to exist, even when those in power have made the possession and use of that knowledge 'against the law'. Perhaps outside-of-school instruction on LGBT history and sex education can be made illegal, but those students who receive it will have acquired knowledge-immunity to unwanted pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases that will ravage those students who don't receive it.

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Oh definitely. The key word there for me is "transparency" - that's been my specific hobby-horse (I was part of several groups that fought for the UK Freedom of Information Act and still fight for it to be extended rather than tightened which has been its sad fate over the last decade or so.) My own personal alarm siren are the words "commercial confidentiality" when applied to government contracts. This is almost always used to hide terrible deals in which the taxpayer is screwed every which way.

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I'm going to call him Low Barr instead of Bill Barr.

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I hate people like Bill Barr. They disgust me in so many ways.

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It means, "as long as people remember that the Holocaust was a 100% Christian production we have to staple "Judeo" onto "Christian" so signal that we will put brown people in camps before the Jewish people"

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You are very confused about history.

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Talk to me about the excellent human rights records of the atheist paradises of the Soviet Union, China under the Gang of Four, Khmer Rouge, and under the Shining Path.

Religion is a different way to form order, a way to have unified regions with standards, practices, languages, and trade. It has some basic rules like don't murder. Given the global distribution of practice, it is a way to find hope in a hopeless situation. I do not condemn anyone for their faith. I condemn them for their *behavior*.

Condemning people for their faith is kind of theocratic of you.

Get back to me when the atheists stop something equivalent to the Atlantic Slave Trade.

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Or we could just teach science. Like, people are often sexual beings but some are asexual. If you have sex you need to protect against bodily fluid transfers. Here is how.

But we might say something nice about vaccines and enrage all the nuts.

Or something about evolution and enrage the right wing nuts.

Or something about nuclear power being orders of magnitude safer than coal and enrage the left wing nuts.

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Pompous, lying, Christo-fascist, white supremacist, criminal piece of shit.

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And son of child sex slave sci-fi author/employer of worst pedophile ever to roam the earth.

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It's worth remember that we (yes, I'm a Brit too) do have unelected Church of England Bishops in our second chamber though. Although there aren't many of them in terms of percentages, they have been known to cause a bit of trouble from time to time...I'm with you on the judiciary though. They are defiantly independent and do a generally good job of trying to interpret the law rather than making it. I am baffled by the idea of (a) elected judges and (b) politically appointed judges.

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Whew, I still have some pics from my undergrad field biology days

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