Surprised that no one from the prison industry is on the panel to reassure Murcia that once we “lock them up” they are showing respect for their jailers.

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Simplicity isn't shallow. It's also not easy.

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It should be a big red splotch stretching from coast to coast, with little white strips along the seaboards & Chicago. If Mississippi isn't a 2nd Amendment sanctuary, I dunno what is.

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OT: Missouri's "Police Gotta Live Where They Work" law is changing so we can bus White Cops to St. Louis. Kansas City threw a shitfit so KC will be excluded. But give it a year or two and Bubba will be patrolling Ferguson. In these podunk Missouri backwater villages, we need a law to prevent overzealous Bubbas from policing their hometowns. Maybe bus some Black Cops down here?

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""the need to promote public respect for the law and law enforcement officers.""

Respect can only be earned.

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"Respect" is fascist-speak for "fear". (They make no distinction.)

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Are you sure they aren't? Seems like an oversight on the part of Barr.

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Hey, a quick heads up. Under the "why Sheriff Gualtieri is a dirtbag" section (which he is) you stated that Marquis McGlocton was shot by a police officer, and that is not true. He was just a racist lunatic that had a pet peeve about parking spots who shot him. Gualtieri just refused to arrest the crazy white guy who killed a black man standing up and protecting his family from the crazy white guy with a gun.

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Why don't they just re-instate the pillory, the whipping post, and the public executions and call it a day? That's where this is all heading, and besides, it would be ever so much more cost-efficient if the arresting officer was also the judge. /s

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First item on their agenda will be recommending sanctions for police depts who refuse to act as subsidiaries of ICE.

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If Trump loses in November and declares that the election was rigged, Barr is going to be the one to unleash the full power of the Justice Department and the FBI to do everything to back Trump and oppress any opposition.

He knows he has to keep Trump in power to keep himself out of prison and he is going to stop at nothing.

It’s scary as fuck to think what lies ahead for this country in a mere 8 and a half months.

Maybe once the FBI, on Barr’s orders, raids the Democrat president-elect’s home and hauls him/her off in handcuffs as an enemy of the state, the MSM will finally stop this “both sides” bullshit.

But I doubt it.

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That came from tumblr too, even.

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Thanks to the Amazing Mystico and Janet!! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Bill Barr did what I used to believe was literally impossible when he made me wish that Jeff Sessions was still the AG.

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We need to bridge the divide! And by that I mean I don't move at all and you come completely over to my side.

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