I had that happen with my first Mustang.

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Physics? Fuck that, just pray harder.

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But they do it in style!

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It's always been, and will be, about the postal unions. Always.

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Moral majority champion Bill was usually seen playing on $5 Triple Play video poker ($15/play) and admitted to being a consistent loser. But he insisted he could afford it and his multiple pack-a-day habit. The family values crowd loved him. So did the casinos. As the casino manager in “Casino” DeNiro voiced the classic line: “Sooner or later, we get it all.”

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This, right here.

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These fuckwads do not care about people! The deaths are just numbers to them, not mothers or fathers or sons or brothers or sisters or grandparents, or even friends. They are just numbers and as numbers, they are not nearly as important as some corporations bottom line, or some CEO's bonus or some fucking stockholder's profit!

Fuck these republican assholes, (and yes, they are ALL republicans... well, sometimes libertarians but there's little difference), so as far as I'm concerned, they can all go lick a fucking emergency room door handle!

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oh yeah, and crime didn't exist in Europe and the Americas before the kidnapping and sale of African natives as laborers. (sn if it's not obvious)

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(kinda sad)

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And no John Prine.

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The beginning of the GOP plan of staffing the upper levels of every agency with implacable enemies of those agencies;

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The DeVoses of the world think public schools are the problem, not heavily armed 13 year-olds.

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If you have to quote a television quack, you really have no medical expertise behind you at all.

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