To be honest, this seems like a pretty good use of everyone involved's time.

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We've always been at war with EastGawker, at least since being weened from it's tits.

Gawker group is the dysfunctional family Wonkette left to pursue our degrees, careers, truck nut factories and far more interesting ariticles while nurturing a new group of friends we'd rather spend the holidays with. Without pants.

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Gee, is it okay if I hound you day after day about something you said twenty years ago? Because I'm sure we can dig up something that makes you look like a complete asshole now.

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Clinton lucked into an internet bubble. He can't reproduce that. Furthermore, my source clearly states that the middle class lost ground consistently since the 1970's.

Clinton's pals have been saying that things changed since Bush. That's bullshit. Chart says it started in the 1970's.

Beyond. Reproach.

Facts are a bitch. Spin that.

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False choice. I would rather that Hillary and Bernie met before the convention with other Dem leaders in the house and senate and hashed out a plan for progressive legislation to push as a united front and then came out on stage together to discuss how they will all be a true progressive team to bring positive change to bring hope into the lives of the less fortunate and make the country even better. I want a pep-rally that makes the country (including the Bernie or Busters) sit up and take notice of all the cool stuff they are going to do and then go out and vote Dem. Hillary's Veep could be anyone who isn't a totally stupid liability. We need her to have a partnership with congress people who would push progressive legislation and it would be better if everyone got on board with that.

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Sure you can, but I've never been president, nor am I helping my spouse run for president. Moreover, he yelled at BLM protesters a matter of weeks ago, not 20 years ago.

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Yes, that could work too. However, the trust level in her promises would be a lot higher if there was someone right next to her to hold her feet to the fire.

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Yeah, pretty much. Still, arguing with fanatics, as with trolls in general, on the Interbuttz is more about convincing the audience than it is about the convincing the fanatics themselves, because of course that isn't going to happen.

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IK,R? It's kind of embarrassing. Could be worse though, his name could be Scooter, or Randy.

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Drink a few beers, have a good cry. You'll get over it.

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I've been arguing with people online for more than 30 years, so it's a topic I've put a lot of thought into over the years. If I was just talking to the fanatic/troll/idiot themselves, I wouldn't bother, because it's a waste of time being this guy:

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I've used that strip so many time that I've got the URL memorised. And yeah, I hear you - that's why I don't have a FæcesBook account.

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Those are just the rumors around Austin. No one is going to put that on paper, yet anyways.

The closest you'll find is from March after another Austin fundraiser where Obama said that yeah it's time to turn off the taps to Sanders and get behind Clinton. That one did make it to the papers from anonymous sources and later confirmed by the White House.

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Now I'm confused. How is that Sanders' fault?

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When I was in college, I went out with four friends. Some guy came up and said his friends wanted to come over. We said *sure, our names are Katie, Katy, Kathy, Kate, and Andrea* He left and didn't come back.

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