In news that will surprise NOBODY IN THE WORLD, it's being reported that Bill Cosby admitted, all the way back in 2005, that yes, he got some rapey Quaaludes, to give to ladies, for rapey purposes:
On the few occasions that I've seen part of a show (I have two sons, so inevitable, really) I felt dirty, and not in a good way. It's a very unpleasant show.
OK, obviously Coz is a disgusting rapist, but Quaaludes ain't a rape drug. Quaaludes are a party drug; they give you the stumbling drunkenness of a quart of liquor, without the throwy-up side effects. I guess anything is a rape drug, though, if Coz is giving it to you. "Here, have this pudding pop." NO MEANS NO; COZ, GET AWAY FROM ME!
He subbed for David Letterman back when I was in school, and he was just bizarre. Like, maybe 10 years past his prime, rambling, incoherent. Even the audience was like WTF.
There are those kinds of people, people who will look at you accusingly and be angry with you for taking shots at, or withdrawing your fandom of an icon in the face of so much evidence and a pattern of behavior. There are some people that agonize over it, apologize for it. It was pretty simple for my household. Then again, I believed Anita Hill.
I always liked how ballsy and unapologetic she was. Wonder what she's doing now. If Wikipedia is any indication, I guess she's enjoying being a more low-key mom type.
On the few occasions that I've seen part of a show (I have two sons, so inevitable, really) I felt dirty, and not in a good way. It's a very unpleasant show.
"Cubit" rhymes with "Quaalude it". Just sayin'.
Soft White Underbelly libelz!
foggy memories indeed.
OK, obviously Coz is a disgusting rapist, but Quaaludes ain't a rape drug. Quaaludes are a party drug; they give you the stumbling drunkenness of a quart of liquor, without the throwy-up side effects. I guess anything is a rape drug, though, if Coz is giving it to you. "Here, have this pudding pop." NO MEANS NO; COZ, GET AWAY FROM ME!
Haha! -Trump
Saw that. Hoist by his own petard. Perfect.
'Luudes did make me horny though otherwise your description of the effects is spot on. You must be an old, like me.
Seems legit:
He subbed for David Letterman back when I was in school, and he was just bizarre. Like, maybe 10 years past his prime, rambling, incoherent. Even the audience was like WTF.
James O'Keefe will be taking notes
There are those kinds of people, people who will look at you accusingly and be angry with you for taking shots at, or withdrawing your fandom of an icon in the face of so much evidence and a pattern of behavior. There are some people that agonize over it, apologize for it. It was pretty simple for my household. Then again, I believed Anita Hill.
I'll just leave this here...
For some people, every day is Take Your Strapon to Work Day.
I always liked how ballsy and unapologetic she was. Wonder what she's doing now. If Wikipedia is any indication, I guess she's enjoying being a more low-key mom type.
We watched an old Eddie Murphy standup routine from ~25 years ago recently. Let's just say he was not exactly gay friendly in those days.