Seriously? Go to google scholar and search prison deterrent. You'll get thousands of peer reviewed papers.

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Keep fucking that chicken, Nikki. That sort of loyalty will land you right in the White House.

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...you're going to feel pretty silly for laughing at him, now won't you?

Silly isn't what I'm feeling for laughing at him over the years.

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Pretty sure it's just you. I've never seen an article with less than 200 comments on it, unless it was within the first hour or so of it being posted to the site.

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My mom owned more than one of his comedy albums. I grew up listening to them. We watched The Cosby Show on the regular.

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That should have been the backbone of his defense. I think it's brilliant.

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I thought he was funny but then I thought he wasn't very evolved when I saw his show and there was a little boy who was white. And he was there to be ridiculed because of being fat and apparently stupid, every time he opened his mouth it was so the audience could laugh at him. It seemed unnecessary for this--- this great man, this great mentor.

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Hey Cosby Mouthpiece: Scottsboro Boys, you dick, plus all old cases with black defendants over the last million years. Let's revisit them all.

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Thanks! Will read! And if you read my edited comment....

PS - I like complicated. My favorite fictional character is Pyanfar Chanur....

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It's almost as if there is no shortage of examples.

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Yeah, he might start overshadowing the victims a bit. I feel like he partially already has. He will need to tone it down, particularly things like that not very nice jab at Hillary Clinton a while back.

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I see your Schwartz is nearly as big as mine!

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This guy......holy f....how much did he cost?On another note...is it just me or is there v rarely comments attached to articles on wonkette now? This is the first time in w e e k s i v seen the comment iconSoooo sick of sexual predators...entitled or otherwise...F them....

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Actually, she said that she was gang-raped at a party that Judge and Kavanaugh attended. She can't testify that J&K actually attacked her because she doesn't remember much about the incident as she thinks she was roofied. She did say she was at another party with J&K when another girl was being gang-raped and that they were in line.

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Black womem are always an acceptable sacrifice for "the cause." 😒.

(Actually that's wrong. The minute you "tell" on a black man who's assaulting you, your membership in the World of Blackness is officially revoked and you're kicked out of the clubhouse.) 😡

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Bill Cosby is the Nelson Madela of Rape y'all! 😏

The only thing more obnoxious then this line of thinking are the reemergence of deluded "brothas" trying desperately to "OJ" this case. 😒😑

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