back when i DJ'd at a gay club like 20+ years ago i would also frequently DJ the somewhat regular drag shows. the baptist church in town would frequently protest. and hooo boy did they have some 'interesting' ideas about what happened inside! when being yelled at i would just comment that they had some reeeeal weird fantasies but they are more than welcome to come inside and see that nothing they said in any way describes what happens. huge huge weirdos.

ANYWAY... you are probably as shocked as i am that the youth pastor from the very same church who is in fact the son of the main pastor (who covered for his sons actions for decades) and as such *most assuredly* would've been one of the people protesting the drag shows has been arrested for grooming and raping children. shock of shocks!


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I've said it many times before, but it bears repeating........IT'S ALWAYS PROJECTION WITH THESE ASS-CLOWNS.........

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Pics have been uncovered of bully bill in a dress. There is a go fund me to put billboards of it all over. They want him to see it on the way to work, church, etc.

When I called to oppose the bill, I said, “as a former drag performer yourself, surely you understand that drag does not groom children.”

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So, will these “powder puffs” be banned under the new law? They are on public property.

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Thank you. I am feeling very defeated.

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Once this is passed, there will be 49 states that I can enter into without being afraid of being arrested and placed into male prison for dressing the way all other women are allowed to dress.

I served in the Navy on submarines that carried nuclear missiles, but I can't be trusted to responsibly choose my own clothes to wear while in public.

My heart is absolutely broken these days..

And best of all, this is the state that controls my birth certificate, so God knows how bad this is going to end up getting for me.

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The reason powder puff is OK w bigots is they are making fun of female style, and an athletic activity dominated by women (cheer). Like "look at me, I'm a girl, har, har." As a woman I find it offensive.

Drag celebrates female style. They hate that.

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Did you see Alex Wagner's 9 p.m. show Thursday night on MSNBC? Heart-breaking interviews with New College students. I live less than 10 miles from New College.

I was not "born and bred in Florida," praise jeezus. But, I was born and bred in Indiana. Just as bad.

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In the late '90s I went to a musical show in Connecticut. I think their name was Tracadero. Best show ever. And I'm straight, whatever that means.

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Was that Monty Python or Fawlty Towers? Either way, a winner.

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What I want to know is why my Tampa Bay Spectrum cable TV has a Scientology channel on CHANNEL FIVE.

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It's only drag if it's men playing women. I have a term for the opposite but posting it would get me in trouble from somebody ...

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Python all the way.

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Mayor Pete and what's-his-name are outliers because they seem happy. There should be a law against being happy. Meatball 2024!

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To answer your "WTF" question, the answer is "lots and lots".To answer your unspoken question of why they do what they do, the answers (or the top two I can think of) are:1. Red meat for the base.2. "Look! a squirrel!" distraction from real issues/problems.

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