Actually, I strongly disagree. Maher is terrific on his show in calling out wokism and dishes it out at both sides in a funny and often thought provoking way. I too wish there was a dislike button so you could dislike my comment and I could yours. But hey, it's cool for both of us because no one else gives a shit. If you dont like Maher, dont watch him. Click

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I mustn't fail to reveal how much I loved Mr. Mora's thoroughly adorable ageism: "Often when we look at things we did when we were younger (or less old in Bill’s case)..." Take THAT, Bill! You're not only not funny in the view of many, and (f)ugly in the view of others, and a turncoat, and an edgelord, but you had the temerity to be born in 1956. You scum! Maybe he needs to be punched in the throat, as one of the commenters on this thread — who, be assured, has no kinship whatever with violence-invoking MAGAts — suggests below.

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Why is there no Dislike button? Some of his utterances are indeed appalling, and he has indeed been far too cordial to the likes of Rand Paul and Steve Bannon. But someone on the left NEEDS to condemn woke fascism-lite, for instance, as he does. Or maybe you prefer to know EXACTLY where he stands at every second, as you would with the unspeakable Ingraham or Watters. I LOVE that he toes no lines. And if one wanted to discredit your column for one thing, it's characterising Greenwald as Of the Right. He's OTR only insofar as — stand back, pun hurtling toward you! — he's sometimes right about things we Of the Left would much rather he be wrong about, like Obama's extrajudicial assassinations. Color me glad there's a Bill Maher.

I mustn't neglect to say how much I loved Mr. Mora's adorable ageism: "Often when we look at things we did when we were younger (or less old in Bill’s case)..." Take THAT, Bill! You're not only not funny in the view of many, and (f)ugly in the view of others, and a turncoat, and an edgelord, but you had the temerity to be born in 1956. For which maybe he needs to be punched in the throat, as one of the commenters on this thread — who, be assured, has no kinship whatever with violence-invoking MAGAts — suggests below.

I was born, through no fault or virtue of my own, in 1947. Kiss my ass, Michael Mora.

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My old mother loved Maher for ten years or so. She cheered when he cheered value- and morality-driven stances,- and his anti-rightist comedy, to her, was fabulous. Friday night with Bill helped her and I cope with the trump presidency.

A few years ago she fell away from him,- but it was his audience and detractors that killed it for her. So fucking mixed up, all of them,- trading off democratic values for stupid little fashions of thought. We killed the comedy, and blamed Maher, not ourselves. His job wasn't to placate and bolster anyone, but that's what we got from him.

I am surprised, that considering the education and worldliness of his many detractors, more of them don't recognize their own foibles, glitches, and outright degradations. He did well to kindly make fun of them,- but some of us are too far gone, pidgeon-holed and stuck-up, uninspired by progress and helpless in facing global tides. His comedy used to help.

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It still helps, SP.

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Maher sounded like a progressive when the issues were things he cared about, i.e., legalize pot, legalize pot and legalize pot. Once CA legalized pot he dropped the prog mask and sank back into his libertarian delirium---except, of course, for the area of LGBTQ+ rights which for some reason make him so damned uncomfortable (issues?) that he consistently cozies up to the far right on those.

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Just imagine one speaking most forcefully about the issues he or she cares about! (Issues?) Ooh, now THAT's not in the slightest out of the MAGA playbook, suggesting some sort of erotic maladjustment based on someone finding offensive things you do not.

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Bill Maher is a very smart guy. But more than that, he's an arrogant ass. He would rather die in a dissident prison camp in a dystopian Trump dictatorship than live free in a world where he's considered just a normal liberal pundit. He MUST blow all our minds with his cynical contrarian hot takes. He MUST publicly cozy up to right-wing scumbags and liars on his show just to appear like some outside-the-box free thinker. He MUST give the Democrats maximum shit for minimum infractions. The guy talks all the time on his show about problems facing our country, but he's so conflicted, so busy looking out for himself, that he's not helping and is actually making things worse. Wow, Bill Maher is like the human personification of our mainstream political media.

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"He MUST publicly cozy up to right-wing scumbags and liars on his show just to appear like some outside-the-box free thinker." Either that, or to demonstrate the civiility and tolerance that the USA could use a great, great deal more of. And in this, he's a better man than I, who'd have had shaving creme pies on hand for the unspeakable likes of Kellyanne Conway. That one of the Left is a gracious host to some really loathsome guests is a point in...our favor. You don't see Laura Ingraham being cordial to a trans activist.

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Aging Edgelord is not really a good look, Bill.

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Maher never grew out of being the 18-year-old freshman with a Confederate flag on his dorm room wall, who mistook the other kids' disgust for impressed deference to his clever edginess.

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So funny how his stripe is so tired of the "partisan" when Democrats are quite actually fighting for people's fucking rights to exist right now.

Hey, Bill, there IS no fence on civil rights. Either you are for people's rights or you are not. What's that you say? You are ALL for the right's right to say whatever nasty assed shit they want and get people killed but do NOT stand for the rights of black folk, queer folk or women? Hate to break it to you, fuckball, but /that is because you are right wing.

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"Democrats are quite actually fighting for people's fucking rights to exist right now." Hyperbolise much, Jen? (I love how you throw "fuck" in a lot to suggest how fervently you believe what you believe. It's a rhetorical device I might use myself sometime!) And here, in paragraph 2, we are shocked to discover that in Jenworld nuance is not allowed. We learn, in slightly different words, that you're either with us, or you're agin us, kind of like you're either part of the solution (that is, you keep your toe right on the every day in any way), or part of the problem. Ve haff vays of preventing nuance!

I have been avidly Of the Left my whole life. And I would fervently prefer not to be on the same side as Jen, who's just a Trumpist in a different-colored cap.

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He has been edgelording for years.

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Bill is the epitome of a rich white privileged schmuck. The glasses make him look like a sad sack short Eugene Levy ( no offense to Mr Levy who is an actual comedian) I choose the bear.

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Nice one, Melissa. It appeared for a while as though no one would condemn his glasses. Great stuff!

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gees JM what do ya think it's your job as the rw reply police. good lord

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Yes, we do. And he sucks at it.

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"Liberals you could actually lose me"????? Oh Bill, you self centered schmuck, you lost US, years ago.......that's the classic, "you can't fire me, I quit"!!!!!!!! statement. Just go on tour with Rubin and Dore and admit you're a GQP loser.......

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I loathe Bill Maher. I felt like the only one howling against him for decades. Glad to have the company.

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Think it over, Linda. This is a little mob that might as well be wearing Fuck Your Feelings T-Shirts. No tolerance for apostasy. We will all think identically (because...well, duh, because we are right!) and pile on gleefully when one of detects a trace of dissension.

Ordinarily, I spend the first part of my morning pointing out to Trump enthusiasts on X that they're gullible morons who shouldn't be allowed to operate heavy machinery. Funny (and heartbreaking) how alike the two sides can be.

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Maher constantly chooses guests who ostensibly come from both the Right and the Left as a way of virtue-signaling his tolerance for the views of others. In reality, they are just echo chambers for his own prejudices, including fat people, educational systems, and every tiny misstep Democrats have ever made. And he’s a gloating winner: every time a guest validates his views, it’s “I’ve been saying that for years!” He’s a cranky old man yelling at progressives to get off his lawn.

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With TV personalities like Maher, who needs enemas?

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Really good stuff, Paul! Enemas, rather than enemies! Comedy gold! Have you considered going on X and bringing some cocky MAGAts down with this line?

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