I'll have to check that out!

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Heh. Sounds about right.

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I never even heard of Last Man Standing till it was canceled.

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I saw it once or twice but had no idea it was "conservative" until this fiasco.It wasn't very funny. Buncha sexist jokes (against men even! As in men were basically cave men who were confused by this modern world!) and good ol dad ALWAYS had to bail out his silly girls. Bout it really. Only watched a couple cause I liked home improvement and figured Tim was gittin back to his roots

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Did not know she did that, but the Middle is adorbs.

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I am reminded of when the network attempted to can Quantum Leap. There was a write in campaign, I signed a bazillion petitions, and they brought it back and then did the stupid fucking evil leaper story line.Moral of the story: Sometimes you need to let go of things gracefully.

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I'm not sure I knew about it until this very article. Oh well, without "Person of Interest" I have gone back to reading. Expect to revive for GOT.

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Tim Allen had a show!?

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I remember the RWNJs going crazy when Sec Clinton called the harassment of her and Pres Clinton a 'vast right wing conspiracy'. But Billo the Clown is OK with 'some left-wing cabal'.

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Remember, you read it here first.

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We would definitely have conspired to keep "Freaks and Geeks" on too!

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can we use this power to get Adam Sandler to stop making movies

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The interesting thing here is that conservatives like Bill O’Reilly love to talk about “personal responsibility,” but won’t take any themselves...

Of course not. Nothing bad that happens to them is ever their fault.

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I thought the Joos controlled the media? I demand that all networks play "Fiddler on the Roof" nonstop. That'll teach 'em.

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If we libruls ran the media, all networks would be running marathons of The West Wing always, forever, in perpetuity.

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Bill O'Reilly either doesn't know or is simply lying about how Hollywood works. Money.

Possibly it's a shitty show that rated poorly and isn't worth spending any more money on.

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